
Monday, February 01, 2010

Why The Hell Would Obama Bow To Tampa Mayor?


My theory is, Obama, not being part of real American Black Culture, was instead inured in White P.C. culture, and therefore, he thinks anyone who is of a culture other than America, or the Western World, is somehow more noble, and deserving of "respect" and "honor".

It's actually a kind of backhanded racism, usually not seen in black people.


  1. And old man was sitting on a bench in a mall when a teenager with a rainbow mohawk haircut sat down next to him.

    The old man stared a bit.

    "Why are you staring at me?" said the kid. "Didn't you ever do anything wild when you were young?"

    "Well," said the old man, "I was stationed in the Far East after the War, and one night I got drunked and f****d a parrot. I was just wondering if you were my grandson."

    In Obama's case I think it one of those head-bobbing Drinking Bird things.

  2. Heh.

    I wish I would have thought of that one.

  3. I think he's got a well hidden but deep flaw in his psychological make up....

    when he reaches carters age it will come out like gangbusters,

    for instance when he's 70 I can see him bowing repeatedly at ringling brothers barnum and baily circus as clown after clown piles out of a little car

  4. Well, I'm starting to wonder if he just is iconoclastic about saying hi.

    It's a submissive gesture to any member of the pack (humanity).

    Just smile in a friendly manner, a warm handshake and SHOW TEETH in the grin.

  5. Why? The gas bag in chief first said pull my finger.
