
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

From Gateway Pundit:

Dig it!… Obama’s terrorist pals are blogging about the revolution.

Barack Obama’s family friends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn still feel no remorse for their acts of terrorism.

Unrepentant terrorists Bill Ayers and terrorist wife Bernadine Dohrn continue to this day to defend their acts of violence during the 1960’s and 1970’s. In a March 6, 2010 post on his blog, Bill Ayers again defended the murderous acts of The Weather Underground.

…Empire, invasion, and occupation always earn blow-back. In 1965 most Americans supported the war, but by 1968 people had turned massively against it—the result of protest and organizing and a burgeoning peace movement, and of civil rights leaders like the militants from SNCC, Muhammad Ali, and Martin Luther King, Jr. denouncing the war as illegal and immoral. Even more important, veterans came home and told the truth about the reality of aggression and occupation and war crimes. The US government found itself isolated around the world and in profound and growing conflict with its own people inside its own borders. The Vietnamese themselves were decisive: they refused to be defeated. The Tet Offensive in 1968 destroyed any fantasy of an American victory, and when President Lyndon Johnson announced at the end of March, 1968 that he would not run for re-election, it seemed to us we had won a victory.

But peace proved to be a dream deferred, for the war did not end—it escalated into an air and sea war, expanded into all of Cambodia and Laos, and every week the war dragged on another six thousand people were murdered in Southeast Asia. Six thousand human beings—massive, unthinkable numbers—were thrown into the furnaces of war and death that had been constructed by our own government. The war was lost, but the terror continued. All Vietnamese territories outside US control were declared “free-fire zones” and airplanes rained bombs and napalm on anything that moved, destroying crops and live-stock and entire villages. John McCain, an unremorseful war criminal, flew some of those missions. As a young lieutenant, John Kerry testified in Senate hearings at the time that US troops committed war crimes every day as a matter of policy, not choice.

No one knew precisely how to proceed, for the anti-war movement had done what it had set out to do—we’d persuaded the American people to oppose the war, built a massive movement and a majority peace sentiment—and still we couldn’t find any sure-fire way to stop the killing; millions of people mobilized for peace, and our project, our task and our obsession, was so simple to state, so excruciatingly difficult to achieve: peace now. The war slogged on into a murky and unacceptable future, and the anti-war forces splintered then—some of us tried to organize a peace wing within the Democratic Party, others organized in factories and work-places, some fled to Europe or Africa or Canada, others to communes, the land, and hopeful but small organizing projects. Some began to build a vehicle to fight the war-makers by other means, a clandestine force that would, we hoped, survive what we thought of as an impending American totalitarianism. Every choice was contemplated, each seemed a possibility then—and we had friends and family in every camp—and no choice seemed utterly beyond the pale.

The Weather Underground carried out a series of illegal and symbolic attacks on property then, some 20 acts over its entire existence, and no one was killed or harmed; the goal was not to terrorize people, but to scream out the message that the US government and its military were committing acts of terrorism in our name, and that the American people should never tolerate that. Some felt that our actions were misguided at best, off-the-tracks, indefensible and even despicable, and that case is not impossible to make. But America’s longest war itself, with all its attendant horrors, was doubly despicable, and while many stood up, who in fact did the right thing; who ended the war; who transformed the world?

…We remember our lost comrades, their many brave, as well as their damaging last acts, and we continue to vibrate with the hope and despair they embodied then.

Bill Ayers Bernardine Dohrn

Of course, Ayers was not being completely honest about his terrorist past. San Francisco’s police officers union accused Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn in a 1970 bombing that killed San Francisco police officer Sgt. Brian McDonnell.

Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn were accused in 2009 of bombing a police station and killing Sgt. Brian McDonnell .

It’s comforting to know that our president was close friends with this unrepentant terrorist since his college days, huh?


  1. Pastorius,

    Deep down inside Bill Ayers is still a terrorist. Probably the only reason he hasn't committed another terrorist attack recently, is that he knows that most likely he will get caught, either that or he's gotten too lazy.

  2. Heh. Lazy, yeah, I think that's likely it. He doesn't have the requisite testosterone pumping through his body. So instead, he theorizes, so that a younger generation will take over.

    He's actually even more dangerous as he is now, in my opinion.
