
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I already don't like what comes after America .. it's THIS

The evil dwarf is right.
blind  leading blind.jpg

They know it in Moscow, Peking, Paris, Rome, Ottawa, Tel Aviv (and Jerusalem), Rio, Caracas, Lima, Havana, Mexico City (and every border town where narcotrafficante contractors are cleaning their MP5's for their assaults INSIDE and therefore ON the USA). They know it in London (where they pulicly diss the special bond that Obama has already devalued), Berlin, Warsaw, and Kiev. They know it in New Delhi and and Islamabad and Peshawar and Quetta and Jalalabad and Qandahar.

They sure know it in Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Brunei, and around the gulf where they are smiling quietly as American gas get ready to top $4/gallon this summer.

They know it at MoveOn and Sorosland where they giggle as they tell Andy Stern and other real movers which levers to push and pull, at the White House, and around the corner with the moronic Reid and his rictus smiled zombie artifact gal pal Pelosi.

_41499902_cast4.jpgThose people, the president, dem leaders, congressmen and senators are disposable to the underlying cause of fundamental change in creating a post american nation of castrati in a mass of vanilla equally outcomed dullard following direction in uniform uncomplaining stumbling numbed crowd stupified thorazined existing from day to day IDIOTS. That's why they found themselves in a crowd going over the ledge on health care and disbelievingly, comically, pathetically insist all is allright even though they heard the rivets popping off the side of the ship when the iceberg dumped all those chunks on deck. That's why they MUST insist that the resistance, and make no mistake THAT'S WHAT IT IS NOW, must be racist, hood wearing freaks.

Sorry, I am a jew, jackasses.
I worked in civil rights.
I ORGANIZED anti Vietnam protests.
And I am dead center in the RESISTANCE known as the tea party in this POST AMERICA DESERT of of social, economic, gaian and mind numbing slogan-ed, framed, and astroturfed justice.
I believe in that 6 page thing.
I believe it's central idea is the RIGHT IDEA.

This do nothing, sorry assed, self blaming, help me because I can't help myself set of policies WAS VOTED IN BY A SIZABLE MAJORITY.


Just call me Noam Chimpsky

It's off the rails.
As a president once said, prior to turning things around, "the bottom is out of the tub"

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