
Sunday, June 27, 2010

“France: 8 Restaurants go Halal Only, Protest Ensues” 

In this video we see the protest in which dozens of pig masked non-Muslims invaded a halal only restaurant. Viva la France!


  1. So far the French get the prize hands down for creative protesting.

  2. Yeah.

    I love how the French are so stuck on food and fashion that those are the things that move them to protest.

    It's kind of like what would happen if Muslims objected to the "pigskin" (football) here in America.

    Of course, we don't use actual pigskin to make footballs anymore, so I guess it won't become a problem.

  3. Cordoba, Spain, 04 mai (AP) -

    The interreligious dialogue should start on the benchs of schools, said the president of the Ismalic Community in Portugal to Lusa in Cordoba, Spain.

    Abdool Karim Vakil, who participated in the conference "Religious Freedom in Democratic Societies", said that these kind of events "Can have real utility only if the conclusions are put into practice on the ground."

    Cordoba was "precursor" in the dialogue between religions, said Karim Vakil who left a challenge
    at the conference: "Why not follow the example of the islamic Cordoba, where three religions coexisted in peace and let the seeds for the renaissance?"

    Córdoba, Espanha, 04 mai (Lusa) - O diálogo inter-religioso devia começar nos bancos de escola, disse hoje à Lusa em Córdoba, Espanha, o presidente da Comunidade Islâmica em Portugal.

    Abdool Karim Vakil, que participou na conferência "A Liberdade Religiosa nas Sociedades Democráticas", acrescentou que este tipo de eventos "só podem ter verdadeira utilidade se as conclusões forem postas em prática no terreno".

    Córdoba foi "precursora" na convivência entre religiões, acrescentou Karim Vakil, que na intervenção apresentada hoje na conferência deixou um desafio: "Porque não seguir o exemplo da Córdoba muçulmana, onde as três religiões conviveram em paz e deixaram as sementes para o renascimento?"

  4. Yeah, we know all about "Cordoba". They're trying to rebuild it at Ground Zero, NYC. But they'll have to go through a lot of us to do it.

    Btw, Pam has a put-up-or-shut-up petition to Rauf and Daisy over at ATLAS. Appealing to their "better nature" and "humanity". We know they don't have any such thing, but if they blow this off that will at least make it official.

    Meanwhile, see you at the sit-ins.

  5. RRA,
    I saw that post by Pamela. I'm glad she's doing what she is doing.

    But, I would not be able to post that myself, nor could I sign it.

    I simply don't believe these people have America's best interest at heart, so I'm unable to pretend they do.

    Simple as that.
