
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

More Human Remains From Ground Zero Discovered


ABC News is reporting that more potentially identifiable human remains have been found in debris collected from Ground Zero.

More 9/11 Human Remains Found At Ground Zero
Search Yields 72 More Fragments; Remains Of About 1,000 World Trade Center Victims Are Stil Unidentified
June 22, 2010

Just two or so dump trucks filled with never-before sifted debris from Ground Zero have yielded 72 new fragments of human remains in an almost three-month operation that could bring closure to more families of victims of the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center terror attack.

Because of the size and condition of some of the remains the NYC Medical Examiner's office told ABC News there was a good chance of obtaining DNA samples that could lead to new IDs once DNA testing is completed. The remains of about 1,000 victims of the almost 3,000 killed at Ground Zero have still not been identified.

A memorandum summarizing the findings of the operation, in which 844 cubic yards of debris was forensically sifted, was released by New York City officials Tuesday. It stated that including the 72 new fragments, a total of 1845 potential human remains have now been located since 2006 and are at the Medical Examiner's Office and when possible will be subjected to DNA testing.

Read the rest at the link. Ground Zero is a burial ground for the victims of Islam-directed mass murder. There must be no mosque built on ground which is sacred to these victims, their loved ones, and all Americans.


  1. Revere Rides Again,

    Maybe even more innocent people were killed than we originally thought. I'm surprised they're still finding them almost ten years later.

  2. A mosque!? Great! Can we fly plane into it?

  3. There are still about 1,000 victims unaccounted for. Their graveyard is lower Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the harbor. (I have been told of remains landing as far away as Flatbush). When they find remains large enough to get DNA from there is a chance to identify a few more.

    A plane would have to be dropped into it -- even at 13 (or 15 by some reports) stories it will be considerably shorter than many of the buildings surrounding it. Not getting it built at all is by far the preferable solution.

  4. Revere Rides Again,

    Especially since we don't want to look as bad the Jihadists. Even if no one was killed, it would still make us look really bad.

  5. off-topic:

    france - muslims say preaching at chinese about integration. huh? lol

  6. *off-topic:

    france - muslims preaching at chinese about integration. huh? lol

  7. To all the various Anonymous', or perhaps, they're all the same person,

    Thank you very much for all the links.

    But, I am monolingual.

    If you speak Spanish and other languages, and would like to contribute here at IBA, please let me know.

  8. hint: Off-topics fit nicely under the music videos. This particular topic is a bit too important however.

    I can't understand why I'm still not seeing thousands of people marching in protest in every large and medium sized city in the US and indeed Canada over this mosktrosity.

    Oh wait, yes I can. The MSM aren't informing everyone about it, and if or when they actually do, they bend over backwards to slant the story in favor of the ROP.

    Well patriot up you scum. Days and days of wall-to-wall coverage when some jets fly into some towers.. Then it's: "Oh looky looky at all the dust, and the ruins, and the crying and the bleeding people."

    But ten years on, when the murderers' ideological butt buddies want to build a victory shrine on that very same spot, the MSM is all - "hey folks, did you know Katie Couric has a tiny blue mole right next to her puckered little asshole?.."

    There really aren't enough sturdy lampposts in America to do you journalistic cowards justice. I'd rather man the toilet paper for an entire stadium of burrito eating lawyers than sit next to one of you in church.
