
Sunday, September 26, 2010

ABC Network Continues To Shill For Islam

Details HERE at Creeping Sharia.


  1. ABC wants to drum in the message that any negative feelings toward Islam and/or Muslims constitute bias. They are sending the message that only a bigoted person would harbor doubts or suspicions towards devout Muslims. They clearly want to pre-empt any critical examination of the religion or culture.

    Imagine if they had a documentary about Islam with both critics and apologists. After 9 years the American people know very little about the religion. All they hear is that it must be like the religions we know. There is virtually no discussion … only complaints of bias as a way to make the public feel guilt before they even have a negative thought.

    If there is paranoia in the society, it is clear it is the media that suspects prejudice against Muslims hiding behind every door.

    I bet a guy with a ski mask worries people more than the burqa gal.

  2. Jason,
    ABC wants to drum in the message that any negative feelings toward Islam and/or Muslims constitute bias. They are sending the message that only a bigoted person would harbor doubts or suspicions towards devout Muslims.


    Marginalizing the many sources which now expose Islam for what it is. Or an attempt to do so, anyway.
