
Sunday, September 26, 2010

More Obama soft power : Hizbullah presses Beirut to build reactors 'for peaceful purposes'

Flag of Hezbollah. The bottom text means "...
"Beirut should follow in Tehran's footsteps and build a nuclear reactor" - Nasrallah

NICOSIA -- Hizbullah has been lobbying the government for a nuclear program in Lebanon.

Hizbullah has called on the government led by Prime Minister Saad Hariri to order a nuclear power reactor. Hizbullah secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah said a nuclear energy reactor could ease the electricity shortage in the country.

"I call on the Lebanese government to seriously consider building a nuclear power plant for the peaceful purpose of generating electricity, which would be more cost-efficient than the plan the government has endorsed," Nasrallah said.

In an address on Aug. 24, Nasrallah did not say from whom Lebanon should acquire a nuclear reactor. But over the last year, Nasrallah and other Hizbullah leaders have urged the Hariri government to order military and strategic platforms from Iran.

Officials said Nasrallah's proposal stood little chance of being accepted. They said Hariri was also resisting Iran's offer to donate weapons to the Lebanese Army.


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  1. HatTipTime: Bumped into some very interesting info at JAWA and Internet Anthropologist about the Stuxnet cyberattack on Iran's nuclear facilities. Apparently Ahmadhimmijerker has a major problem on his hands.

  2. It's only a matter of time. Some horrible new nuclear holocaust will have to happen before the civilized world is stirred to action, I'm afraid.

  3. Actually it would be for 'peaceful purposes' in their fiendish minds.
    I guarantee that they would even pass a lie detector test here. You see eliminating all of pislam's enemies by WHATEVER means possible is a peaceful purpose.
