
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Delta adopts Saudi 'no-Jew' fly policy

From Atlas Shrugs:

If Delta airlines can adopt the "no Jews" policy of a Muslim country like Saudi Arabia, would it not be fitting and in the spirit of reciprocity and mutual respect to adopt a a "no Muslims" policy on certain airlines. Lord knows travel would be so much easier and enjoyable again and cheaper (security costs dramatically cut.)  You certainly would have no need for TSA.
Delta adopts Saudi 'no-Jew' fly policy  WND Delta Air Lines' plan to add Saudi Arabian Airlines to its SkyTeam Alliance of partnering companies would require the American carrier to ban Jews and holders of Israeli passports from boarding flights from New York or Washington bound for Jeddah, prompting outraged accusations of illegal religious discrimination.
The issue, which has caught the attention of the American Center for Law and Justice already, was raised when Washington attorney Jeffrey Lovitky was perusing airline procedures for travel.
"As we learn more about the issue and facts, we are determined to ensure that American citizens do not face discrimination by airlines like Delta that are passenger code-sharing with Saudi Arabian Airlines, said Colby M. May, director and senior counsel of the ACLJ.
Read the insiders' plans for America under Shariah, in "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America," autographed, from WND's Superstore.
"We will be communicating our position with members of Congress, the State Department and Delta Air Lines to ensure that the rights of American citizens are protected," he said.


  1. Pastorius,

    Boycott Delta Airlines and demand that the state prosecute them for violating federal anti discrimination laws, and than see if they'll go through with this.

  2. Pasto,

    I didn't know that Saudi Arabian Airlines are " No Jew " flying machines !
    I was sure that only Saudi Arabia is a NJFZ !
    Even if only 1% of the story is true ... Or let me put it this way, If a cleaning lady comes to her supervisor and says :-
    I found this left shoe at the back of the plane under a seat marked - "Reserved for Half a Jew only !"

    Can you imagine what happens next ?

    If, "Delta" does any of what you have described in the post above, it's Jets should be Grounded, Scrapped, Smoldered, and rolled into Aluminum Tin Foil Rolls or Beer Can ! (Goldstar six-packs...).


  3. Pastorius,

    I just sent you an email, with more on this story. A Delta spoken says this is not true, and that his airline will not discriminate.
