
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Weasel Zippers Considers This "News" - One Would Wonder Why

Pic Of The Day: Mooch Gets Her Groove On Yet Again…

Dancing queen.

One would wonder why, but their commenters pretty much say all that needs to be said about why anyone would consider this worth posting on an anti-Jihad news site.

  1. willford says:
    THIS undignified ZULU is supposed to be the FIRST Lady of these UNITED STATES?? what a friggn joke.
  2. Smokey says:
    Jungle Boogie………..
  3. junkyard infidel says:
    we should be so proud of barry’s life mate and first wookie, chewbakka, showing those poor african chirren how to bump and grind to the chicago chicken-head dance !
rboa says:
They better be careful. She is doing the “Wookies Eat Their Young” dance.

SavoirFaire says:
It seemed like the easy answer. Should have invented mechanized farming and the cotton gin first.

SavoirFaire says:
Not the beginning of “unintended consequences”, but a good example nonetheless.

Jarhead83 says:
I didn’t realize they had a Bigfoot problem in South Africa!!! A double-tap is certainly in order…


midnight rider intrudes (that's right, he's a midnight intruder):

got a little conversation, so far civil, going on at this post.

You gotta love it when they admit it:

Rocketman says:
June 23, 2011 at 1:45 am
@ midnight rider

I agree we can leave the kids out of it, But the folks in the White House are fair game. I have to tell you, The pull the race card so much that you get to the point where you don’t care anymore. Maybe that’s the plan.

I’ll stick with the original comment, These folks embarrass me as an American. If that’s racist so be it.
To be fair, I don't believe what Rocketman wrote was racist (and said so).

But the other comments over there, as Pastorius points out, only lend fuel to their race card fire.

Maybe that is their plan.

Then don't give in. Don't let the motherfuckers bait and best you.


  1. Those comments just go on and on.

    It's disgusting.

    Frankly, the more I think about it, the more I don't want to be part of any movement made up of people like that.

    I hope they all die in their own vomit.

    It would take God to forgive such people, and I am not God, and I don't plan on attempting to become Godly enough to forgive such people.

    The same thing that makes me hate Islam and the Jihad is the same thing that makes me hate those people.

    Fuck 'em.

  2. Thanks Pastorius . . .I've noticed the same trend @ WZ and find it revolting as well. While I don't agree with the first lady's politics, spending habits or fashion choices, I certainly do not entertain such degrading comments about her physical being as acceptable.
    I had a similar conversation with my exercise buddy yesterday, making it clear that I would not tolerate similar conversation as it was totally unnecessary to make the political point intended (re: taxpayer funded vacations)


  3. I'm glad to hear that.

    We need to stand up and say it isn't acceptable.

    Unfortunately, IBA is becoming an army of one.

  4. The problem with Zip & crowd is that they hate Obama and his family at a personal level. And they make their attacks personal.

    That's no way to defeat a political opponent and bad policies. It only distracts and makes you look even stupider.

    And there is a good bit of hypocrisy there as well. More than a few times Zip (and other blogs like his) deride Obama and the left as being racist toward whites and then say they think all whites are racist.

    Well, for God's sake if you read their comments and posts. . .

    Attack the policies. Attack the personality (arrogant, ignorant etc). Leave the schoolyard racisl slurs out of it.

    And for Christ's sake leave the kids out of it.

    I'm realy proud of IBA. It is one of the very few types of comments we will censor or delete if we catch it.

  5. Hi Pasto.
    I agree with you.This has nothing to do with politics.

  6. I've noticed this hateful trend at some other "big blogs." **sigh**

    Actually, such comments besmirch all the "anti-jihad" sites. **sigh again**

  7. But, it's not just the comments. Zip seems to think the same way otherwise he would not be posting photographs of Michelle Obama dancing with derisive headlines, and then accepting comment after comment like that without deletion.

    Let's not lie to ourselves about this. Zip is ok with the outright racism of his commenters.

  8. Not just racism. He likes to hype some muslim issue re the uk. For instance some obscure iman says something controversial and the UK is "circling the drain" as if it's about to happen, government policy or sanctioned by the British people.

    As I point out in my comments the US also has it's problems with free speech when it comes to islam, has over 30 armed compounds AND Dearborn.

    The commenters write as if the UK is a sharia state run by muslims and say "the Uk is not the place to go", "serves the Brits right" etc. They piss me off big time, and in fact I have given up commenting there because they are mainly assholes.

  9. That was a pretty steamy pile you left over there, buddy :)

  10. Ray,
    I know what you mean. In my opinion, that is a habit that Zip got from the old version of LGF. Charles Johnson used to do the same thing.

    And, so did this blog on occasion.

    I don't think we do that anymore.

  11. there isw a lot of anger over what is rightfully considered the planned destruction of what america was and the imposition of an alien ideology shackled to us.

    the obamas have cultivated a cult of personality and although some of what they say over at wz is over the line, the fact is you live by the race card and the cult of personality card and you then invite people taking personal shots.

    personally ive takin many "klingon warrior" shots at michelle and it doesnt bother me in the least.

    but I can see your point now that im reading this post on the escalating racializing.

    on my blog tho its all business, all I want to do is be a clarion call in the dark, a mirror site passing on and spreading the word on the destructiveness of islam leftardism and the defacto fascism and powerhungryness of the leftards in charge of our government. I dont post personality stories about michelle the klingon becuase I dont see the importance in the end.

  12. @pasto

    You obviously blog UK stories which is fair enough but you don't leave sarcastic comments. Also the commenters on this site are obviously more intelligent and can see the real story, so hence no stupid comments.

  13. rumcrook,
    I'm sorry but I don't understand why it is racist to call someone a Klingon.

    If I really have to spell it out on why it is racist to call a black person a "wookie", "Big Foot", or "Zulu", then I will.
