
Tuesday, June 05, 2012


Breitbart Exclusive: President Who Barely Knew Terrorist Bill Ayers Spent 4th of July, 2005, At His Barbecue

The Vetting continues.

Can you imagine spending 4th of July with a man who poses for photos standing on the American flag for the New York Times?

This is our President. President Barack Hussein Obamanation the Hateful.

Running Against America!


  1. These people are as evil as the Nazis and I mean it in every manner. They just don't have the power and control to exercise their wishes.

    Say what you like about me, but it is a major mistake and an ignorance of history to not understand just how evil they truly are.

    All I want is the dissemination of truth and justice, they want a one party police state run by themselves just for starters.

  2. Hey, I never put you down, do I?

    I am of the opinion that it is best not to call someone a Nazi until they behave in Nazi-like fashion, which includes wresting total control of the government, looting property of citizens (through outright theft, not taxes) murdering citizens at an accelerating clip, starting with hundreds, then thousands, then millions.

    That's what the Nazis did.

    That's what we remember them for.

    However, how would a person like Churchill have recognized the Nazis so early on, if he were not open to naming them before the outright theft and murder began?

    Well, he took them at their word.

    Ayers and his cronies talked about murdering millions of people. Obama admires people like Castro and Hugo Chavez,and he is friends with the Turkish President, and he believes the Muslim Brotherhood is a legitimate government.

    If it waddles and quacks, I guess it's a duck.

  3. I don't think you put me down, no, not at all.
    I'm talking about large portions of the conservative movement who toss their heads back and roll their eyes when confronted with the sad hard truth.
    Anyway, in my opinion we have an advantage over Churchill just because WWII is still so recent and outrageous in the mind of anyone who cares to investigate. I don't think even he expected something like the Holocaust even though he did have experience with true Mohammedanism in The Sudan, so maybe he did have suspicions.

    Technically I'm not calling them Nazis, but I am saying they're just as evil.

    Christ clearly teaches that what's done on a small scale is the same as what's done on a large scale, no difference.

  4. I don't think Christ would say Hitler and a man who calls his brother "Raca" are equally evil.

    They are equally unfit to be in the Presence of the Holy and Almighty God, so they are equally in need of Christ's blood, but they are not equally evil. I don't agree with that idea.

  5. You're misunderstanding my Christ quote.
    Luke,16:10 "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much; and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much."

    What's done on a small scale, is done on a large scale. If someone will rip you off for 50 bucks, they will surely rip you off for 50,000 if they feel they aren't in any danger of punishment for it.
    If these people now act in a traitorous, lying, disingenuous, thieving manner to the limit the now can, it is a SURE fact that they will kill and imprison when and if they can.
    As far as any evil group in history goes, they have followed the exact same path.

  6. Ayers, Zinn and their like simply believe the FOUNDING IDEAS of the USA, individual enterprise, property, and freedom FROM govt are evil. That these ideas support slavery (property) and rapacious ownership causing class strife and misery among the 'workers' .. therefore anything they do to destroy such a system, ipso facto is a good, whether or not there is a god.

    Bill Ayers, Howard Zinn, George Soros and their philosophical progeny are not worried about Luke, dudes.

    Forget Luke in this fight and donate or spend your time defeating this ideology of theirs at the polls in November.

    That's all that counts right now. Do that and you will have done good.

  7. I happen to know that Luke matters in every way and to the core concerning this subject.
    If you don't understand the extent of their evil, you're at a major disadvantage.
    Furthermore they couldn't give a shit as to whether or not the founders or anybody else for that matter is right or wrong.
    They care supremely about themselves and their attainment of unrestricted POWER.
    IMO you're on the wrong road of thinking.

  8. It is a fatal flaw for decent people such as yourself to project your decent mode of thinking onto these RAVENOUS WOLVES.
