
Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Poll: 51% of Americans See Federal Government As Threat To Their Rights, Only 34% Disagree


Apparently Americans still understand that their rights are not bequeathed to them by the government, but are, instead, pre-existing and eternal.

Via Rasmussen:
Just over half (51%) of Americans continue to believe that the government is more of a threat to individual rights than a protector of them.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that only 34% of Adults in this country regard the federal government more as a protector of individual rights. Fifteen percent (15%) are undecided.


  1. Sadly, I really find that figure too high to believe.
    If The Man Child doesn't get his ass seriously blown out, I mean BLOWN OUT, in this election we are finished as a free society.
    I couldn't come up with a shittier, nastier, more anti-American character than this guy and his crew. The election is gonna be like a giant thermometer shoved up the nation's ass to see just exactly what's going on in this place. If the schmuck gets more than 40% of the vote, it's time to plan for the hills, assuming the Mideast or the Economy don't self destruct first.

  2. As per usual, I'm not quite an pessimistic as others are here. I'm more on the Pollyanna side.

