
Saturday, June 02, 2012

The PERFECT Icon of why this administration is a HISTORIC failure, EPIC FAILURE

This is a nice idea. I support the idea of people out of work figuring out something to lift themselves up, and out of their situation if it’s possible in any way.
Secretary of Labor:
HILDA SOLIS:  Let’s look at the past five months. On the average in those past five months, we have seen about 170,000 jobs created. And yes, economists say you have to have at least 120,000 on an average. It is not as dire as some would say. I would say that even though in the 27 months we created for 4.3 million private sector jobs–that is not devastating. That is actually something that I think is somewhat positive. Sure, we have to do more. We are focused like a laser beam to make sure that we have our training, job-training dollars working and partnerships with community colleges and employers to make sure that we find the right employees to get into those jobs that are available. We have seen a reduction from those individuals; at the beginning of this recession it was about seven applicants for one job. Now it is down to about three-to-one. We’ve got to do better and the way we do it is by incentivizing businesses. You’re absolutely right about making investments in small businesses, tax credits and brakes and allowing for UI benefits to be used so that people can start their own businesses.
As I can tell you from personal experience, the instant, the second, the microsecond this occurs … you are no longer eligible for unemployment benefits.
This is a decision up to each state.
I would APPLAUD such a policy, but it is not up to Ms Solis, Mr. Obama or anyone else in the federal govt.
Have they taken this into consideration and offered to reimburse the unemployed for the lost benefits? Has this bill, and its compulsory administrative overhead, the tens of thousands new govt employees needed to administer and dilute such an effort been proposed?
These people haven’t got the foggiest idea what they are doing. They have a bunch of wishes …which amount to … a very vague ideal of social justice in which the public recognition that the fruit of this so called ‘benefits to be used so that people can start their own businesses’ …PROFIT is an banal to true evil.
Ideologic morons are in control.


  1. Not as dire as it seems? NOT AS DIRE AS IT SEEMS?!

    Well, lessee here.

    4,300,000 jobs created in 27 months.

    That's 159,293 jobs PER MONTH.

    Meanwhile, and you've all been reading this if you've been reading anything I've been writing the last three years, we are losing (VERY conservative estimate) 350,000 jobs a week.

    Which equals 1,4000,000 jobs PER MONTH.

    Versus 159,253 created?

    Over 27 months it totals 37,800,000 jobs lost.

    Versus 4,300,000 created.

    Not as dire as it seems?

    That's not just ideological problems, that's delusional to damn near hallucinatory.

    Especially when 30,000,000+ (conservatively) are still in that un(der)employed position.

    And the other side is no better. Using these numbers to slam Obama & the left (rightly so) annd pity the poor downtrodden unemployed we feel for them then turn around at the next minute and say that the unemployment benefits just promote unemployment and these people need to be taken off benefits and go out and find a job.

    No kidding. In the past 72 hours I've seen such "luminaries" as Ben Stein Eric Bolling Sean Hannity do just that. And it's not the firzst time but a favorite meme on the Right.

    30,000,000 out here vs. 4,300,000 jobs created. 1 for every 3 or 1 for every seven or even 1 for every 2 where do they think these folks are going to find a job? And how are they to keep it together until they do if u.c. benefits no longer exist?

    As for starting your own business Epa's correct as I found out early on in this mess. Had I hung out a shingle as a private contractor I would no longer have had benefits once any contract ended, whether there was another waiting in the wings or not. How to pay the mortgage and groceries then?

    Hypocritical hallucinatory smug self-righteous self-serving sonsabitches have no idea what's going on out here.

    Still. Despite so much noise coming from the workers. They see numbers, not people, not lives, and certainly not real America.

    A reset needs to happen to be sure. And it needs to start with everyone labeled INCUMBENT in November.

  2. MR,
    Where do you get the stat for 37.8 million jobs lost?

    Could you provide a link?

    The above is a good analysis. You have probably already posted that here before, but I missed it. Sorry.

  3. Hilda Solis said we should use our Unemployment to create businesses. As Epa says is a nice idea, but how many Hot Dog carts and Etsy crafted earrings pages does the world need?

    Seriously, what kind of business can one start on subsistence income?

    Shortly after Solis uttered the above verbal fart, Barack Obama suggested that if people had extra money, they'd buy a "thingamajig". And if they bought said, thingamajig, it would help the economy.

    Epa asks, do these people have the foggiest idea what they are doing?

    It seems to me Solis and Obama are just now figuring out that PEOPLE HAVING MONEY AND SPENDING MONEY IS GOOD FOR THE ECONOMY.

    This reminds me of the girlfriend who all of the sudden, two years into a relationship, when you've signaled that you've had it with her lameness, decides she loves giving head and being a slut in bed after all

    Too little too late.

  4. Pasto -- No link I just did some math for the 37.8 million.

    If we assume that 350,000 jobs are lost a week (and it has been far higher most months from the BLS first time claims weekly reports) then that times 4 weeks a month is 1,400,000 a month times 27 months is 37,800,000.

    Keep in mind that not only has it been higher many months, if not all remember that streak where it was above 400,000 week after week) but it includes ONLY those that were eligible to collect benefits. And for various reasons many were not. Whether fired for cause or a mom and pop business gone under those folks lost a job and were not counted.

  5. I read on Ace the other day that Obama has eliminated 5 million from the workforce (unemployment).

    There is a 32 million person gap between that number and your number.

    If it is 37 million based upon some information that we could put together, then that is a fucking HUGE story.



    These idiots governing us have zero clue as to the reality here on the ground. The words "out of touch" do not begin to describe them!

  7. MR,
    In the past 72 hours I've seen such "luminaries" as Ben Stein Eric Bolling Sean Hannity do just that. And it's not the firzst time but a favorite meme on the Right.

    What the HELL is wrong with these people?

    Are their salaries so high that they can say, "I don't need the income anyway?" That is not the case for the VAST MAJORITY of Americans.

  8. Pasto -- you may be refering to the 5 million that are no longer as counted as unemployed because they have either fallen off the unemployment benefits (the 99ers like me) and/or have just given up looking and given up hope. You had posted that from American Thinker, maybe Ace was refering to the same (I didn't see Ace's piece).

    But it could just as well mean 5 million jobs permanently lost, meaning someone is gone (for wahtever reason) and they no intention of refilling the position (also lie me, relaced by outsourcing and dividing my former duties among others already swamped).

    In either event, of the remaining 32 million some have no doubt since found work BUT HAVE BEEN REPLACED BY OTHERS LOSING THEIR JOBS.

    If we had a record (I didn't keep one) of week by week how many people filed first time u.c. benefits since February 2010 (27 months back from today)I am certain the number would be higher than 37 million. Some may have become re-employed but others lost jobs along the way. Some (alot) of that emloyment may be burger flipping etc. Certainly not what they were doing or are capable of (thus the underemployment number).

    At any rate, use u.c. benefits to start a business? When it's barely enough to pay the groceries and mortgage?

    Whose turn on the crack pipe?

  9. MR,
    You said: If we had a record (I didn't keep one) of week by week how many people filed first time u.c. benefits since February 2010 (27 months back from today)I am certain the number would be higher than 37 million.

    I say: That chart has to exist somewhere.

  10. It does. I found it at BLS and have now posted it here.

    I have to head out for awhile so don't have time for more comment myself right now but I think, taken with what I've said here already and the hard numbers, you'll see what I mean (and so should anyone else looking at it without Rose colored glasses).

    Lemme know whatcha think.
