
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Boston University: "Be a Muslim for a day"

So as to experience the joys of Islam, of course.

From Bare Naked Islam, citing this source:
...Like all of the other activities planned for Islam Awareness Month, the hijab challenge emphasized a theme of “common ground” and aimed to “dispel some of the stereotypes and misconceptions attached to Islam,” Hassanali said, “and answer some of the questions people have about the religion.”

The women, who signed up at their dorms or at the George Sherman Union Link, were given links to instructional videos and pink buttons that read “BU Hijab Day Challenge—Ask Me About My Hijab.” Hassanali said that while some of the women “got negative comments from friends and colleagues, most of them got positive feedback.”...

Full-time tuition at Boston University ranges from $42,000-$62,000. Getting one's money's worth of dhimmitude, huh?


  1. Watch all the ultra politically correct, vegan bitches will sign up.

    They are the Church ladies of this time, anyway, so the Muslim scum lifestyle will fit them perfectly.

  2. Pasto,
    I think that the West is losing this culture war.

    What do you think?

  3. Well, I don't see us making any inroads in the Muslim world. But a lot of their people are moving here and many of them are pushing their insanity on us.

    On the other hand, many of the people who are moving here MIGHT be interested in becoming more like us.

    I doubt it, for the long run. I think it will be just like what has happened in Europe. I do not think what has happened in Europe is Europe's fault, other than for the fact that they have allowed so many Muslims to live among them.

    Some people say Europe's racism and inequality is the reason for the extremism of it's Muslim population. I don't think it is.

    To be sure, I do think there is more racism and inequality in Europe than in the US. However, the Hindus do just fine, don't they.

    Fuck Islam.
