
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Iran said advancing ‘at murderous pace,’ could have bomb by July, Obama ‘threw sand in Israel’s eyes’

From Will at THE OTHER NEWS:

Iran said advancing ‘at murderous pace,’ could have bomb by July, Obama ‘threw sand in Israel’s eyes’.(TOI).
Iran could have the capability to build a nuclear bomb by July, unnamed security sources said in a report published Friday.
The sources added that Israel’s leadership had been mollified by US President Barack Obama’s visit earlier this month, which saw Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seemingly cotton to Washington’s later timeline on when Iran could have a nuclear bomb. The security sources, said to be close to Netanyahu’s talks with Obama, claimed that after seeing North Korea wield nuclear weapons despite heavy Western opposition, Tehran’s leadership had also decided to break out toward the bomb, which could be ready between July and September.

The Iranians aren’t messing around after North Korea. What Kim Jong Un has Ahmadinejad has,” a source told the Israeli daily Maariv, referring to North Korea’s and Iran’s respective leaders. “At the end of 2012 the Iranians carried out a simulation of a nuclear explosion and since then have been advancing at a murderous pace every day.
However, the sources said Obama’s charm offensive had managed to “buy” Netanyahu — and Israel ended up losing out, with Jerusalem’s hands now tied on Iran.

The president threw sand in our eyes and now we are reaping the storm,” one source said. ”They bought us with flattery and displays of friendship, but managed to evade any responsibility for a strike.”Read the full story here

1 comment:

  1. The winds of war are howling and thirsting for prey. Is anyone in political power in the West paying a damn bit of attention.
