
Monday, August 28, 2017

The Adagietto from Mahler's Symphony No. 5


  1. Necessary viewing if you want to understand DNC financial collapse:

    20:40 video: Judge AGREES With DNC Lawsuit! Dismisses It Anyway

    In his ruling, Judge Zloch wrote that the plaintiffs had failed to prove their injury, calling it "too diffuse" for Federal court.
    Despite the dismissal, Zloch did state that the court assumed the basic claim made by the plaintiffs to have been true; that the DNC acted against Bernie Sanders and in favor of Hillary Clinton despite outward claims of neutrality.


    Seems the stacked courts are prepared with double speak - just as there was plenty of evidence against Hillary, yet no 'motive' when 'motive' wasn't part of the equation necessary to bring charges.

  2. Here's the link to Judge Zloch's 28-page order:

  3. On the campaign trail in 2008, Barack Obama promised to fundamentally transform the United States of America. After nearly eight years as president, he has delivered on one front by reshaping the federal judiciary. That revolution has been comprehensive, dramatic, and under the radar." (snip) Link to the "should read" entire article to understand how they operate:
