
Thursday, December 23, 2021

MUNCHAUSEN'S BY PROXY? Mother Uses Christmas Card To Announce Her Kindergartener Is Non-Binary


Young adult author and Los Angeles mother Jennifer Chen said she’s “so proud” of her kindergarten-age daughter that decided she wanted to be “non-binary” and use they/them/he pronouns. 
The child, named Claire at birth now wants to be referred to as “Clark” and Chen asked her friends to refer to “Clark” as her “son who is non-binary.” 
In late November, Chen posted their family Christmas card photo on Instagram. The card shows a photo of herself, her husband Brendan, and her twin children, Chloe and “Clark”. 
The caption of the post reads, “I’d like you all to meet Clark (formerly known as Claire). Clark prefers they/them/he pronouns and would like to be known as my kid/my son who is non-binary. Clark asked us to tell our friends & family who they are now.” 
hen added that she and her husband, as well as their daughter Chloe, fully support their child.

Just my opinion, but that husband looks like such a pathetic pussy he couldn't tell his wife NO, if she said she was going to drown the children in the bathtub. 


  1. Child abuse can be hard to spot.... In reality, this mother hates her children. But the abuse is the kind that does not leave physical marks.

  2. The question of whether or not she loves or hates her children is up in the air. She is mentally ill. She might as well hate her children, for the way she is treating them.

  3. (Stupid damn computer program got into a mode of erasing everything I posted here just now. Let's hope the geniuses get it to work this time.)

    She is treating her children as a means to gain approval for herself from her woke friends, and her child's well-being is secondary to that, so she has subjectively convinced herself that she is "supporting" her in her "choice" to "become a boy". We can only hope she doesn't persist in this child abuse to the point of forcing hormonal treatments and sewing a fake penis on the kid. Meanwhile the child, who is much too young to understand the ramifications of what to her is an attention-gaining game, is being indoctrinated into the LGBTQ mob's ongoing child grooming program.

    And yet so many think that it is the only valid calling of every woman to become a mommy!
