Friday, August 01, 2008

Tailor made campaign issue ..Economy, National Security, Financial Irresponsibility, Contempt for the retired and working people

SF Chronicle:
Pelosi blocks offshore drilling vote GOP wants

Friday, August 1, 2008


For weeks, pressure has been mounting in Congress to approve more domestic oil drilling, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has held the line, using her power to block a vote on offshore drilling.

President Bush has made almost daily calls for Democratic leaders to take action. House GOP leaders, citing a new poll showing that a slim majority of Californians now favor offshore drilling, issued a release Thursday saying "even (Pelosi's) own California neighbors oppose her efforts to block new drilling far off American coasts." GOP lawmakers are so disgruntled they're urging Bush to deny Congress its August break by calling a special session on energy.

Unless the USA takes action and is seen to take action to increase energy supplies (drilling, conserving, nukes, wind, solar, battery technology, fuel cell), the most important IMMEDIATE action of which is DRILLING gasoline prices will continue to drain away disposable income as the prudent STOP SPENDING to conserve cash for heating, and the imprudent find themselves OUT OF CASH in February.


Unless the USA takes action and is seen to take action to increase energy supplies (drilling, conserving, nukes, wind, solar, battery technology, fuel cell), the most important IMMEDIATE action of which is DRILLING 70% of our oil will continue to be imported, transferring national wealth to those who not only mean us ill, but also teach we are evil- from right here in the USA.

Unless the USA takes action and is seen to take action to increase energy supplies (drilling, conserving, nukes, wind, solar, battery technology, fuel cell), the most important IMMEDIATE action of which is DRILLING sovereign wealth funds and other national treasuries will exert a growing influence on US national decision making, gradually narrowing the options we might need to take on our own behalf. This very FACT was the subject of a closed congressional hearing this year given by the CIA

Unless the USA takes action and is seen to take action to increase energy supplies (drilling, conserving, nukes, wind, solar, battery technology, fuel cell), the most important IMMEDIATE action of which is DRILLING those people in the USA on fixed incomes and those working people without the means to increase their income proportionally with the devastating rise in every price caused by competition for fossil energy worldwide will find themselves unable to meet their minimal needs and fall to dependence on the govt, which will have to choose between printing money to help, or ignoring their own people.


Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic party leadership, including Barack Obama, who certainly has the most influence, by their inaction and roadblocks have decided for reasons not yet understood by many scientists, disputed by many scientists, and DISBELIEVED by many scientists, decided we can afford to remove disposable income from a cash constrained america, transfer our wealth to other nations, give other nations a say in our decision making, and place working and retired people in financial jeopardy.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic party leadership, including Barack Obama, who certainly has the most influence have demostrated they are unable to manage the national course - counting energy responsibility as damaging to a future WE WON'T BE ABLE TO COMPETE IN.

John McCain, HERE is your campaign.

It's the economy, stupid

It's national security, stupid

It's national sovereignty, stupid

It economic callousness for working and retired americans, stupid

And Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic party leadership, including Barack Obama, who certainly has the most influence BELIEVE in what they are doing.


Pastorius said...

That's the best Obama poster I have seen, Epa.

Great job. I'm gonna put that up in the sidebar.

Natasha said...


you nailed it. We could do So MUCH MORE to become self-sufficient as a Nation,

incentives And rewards for mass transit users, including doing something about the ridiculous mismanagement of mass transit funds/administration

end the harassment of bicyclists,
and more incentives for bicyclists, including working to create small businesses that can create carriers, like you see for children, for people to use to cart groceries, etc. Seriously, more people WASTE MORE GAS DRIVING FIVE BLOCKS TO THE GROCERY STORE!

lower density housing in smaller developments--including more energy conscious construction OR reconstruction of older homes [maybe our government should watch Planet Green]

in Vermont, the poor use quilts as curtains in the winter--cuts down on heat use, This is an art, woman's art, that Could be taught, once more, that low income/homeless women could do in coops, they could earn some money and sell winter window quilts, to aid in cutting down on heat costs. And when not in use, they are great for hanging, etc. And they last a lifetime of generations.

Reconstruct office spaces so they need less heating, include bicycle parking indoors [to prevent theft] and work incentives [could fall under health],

In Other words, not just drilling but learning HOW NOT TO BE SO DEPENDENT ON OIL,

In China, they have buses, that one can sleep, and before the mass sales of cars which are wrecking havoc on agricultural land use due to pollution, they have Serious problems with air pollution, [years of coal burning], but they did quite well without reliance on cars for some time,

Our gas bill for the entire month, is $30 to Maybe $40.00,

and thats for a jeep. We bike, we use the bus, and our electric/heat is Just as cheap--compared to most, three bedroom home, family of five+ [relatives, plus all the kids in and out visiting],

and so Yes IT CAN BE DONE. We take the bus all the time [though the mass transit could be improved, If they would improve mass transit esp in the suburbs more would use it, sure beats paying out the ass for parking and its So less stressful during heavy traffic],

Yes I'm an environmentalist and a naturalist, not fanatic, no, but, well, I think when or if you've ever Had to be frugal,

you know how to cut corners, and most of America simply doesn't. Cutting corners to them is do we skip this football season tickets the medical bill, or something like that,

but I see people get in their cars at Least five times on the weekend during one day, just to the store, or taking the kids a couple of blocks,

and we WONDER why we have problems with health, pollution, and dependency on oil? And YES, it takes some getting used to,

and it takes, creativity, and while yes in many places there isn't the greatest of mass transit, there are still means in cutting gas costs. We are over reliant on cars,

they Are yes, freedom, mobility, but, now its not just freedom now its, feeling conscious if we walk anywhere, its a little crazy,

and weather, sure, weather can be an issue--we lived with both extremes, and we've learned to use our vehicle only when weather makes it completely impossible to walk, ride, and it has to be a bit severe. And even then, we still take the bus.

The disadvantages, long waits for transfers BUT if more people too mass transit, they'd have more buses and in more areas and trains and Hey,

less wait. Another is carrying things, thats where creativity comes in or managing your trips, once you get a schedule down its easy--I go to the museums, libraries, parks, events, on the bus all the time,

the Advantages, NO hassle with parking, can sleep while traveling and after long day at work Thats nice, can read, listen to music, daydream, meet all sorts of people, and best of all,

no $4 a gallon, and KNOWING, thats less $$$ in Their pockets. And it Is a great feeling,

and as for biking, Family time--QUALITY FAMILY TIME and in fact more communication than you ever get in a car having to deal with traffic, and not having to worry etc., that stress,

just have to bike defensively sometimes due to idiots...[sorry],

you See things that you would drive by in a car and miss, Eagles, Hawks, coyotes, raccoons, you name it, nature--which is also opportunity to educate your children,

plus of course the health benefits, and ironically, you can get to where you need to go a lot of times a LOT faster, than if you had of taken the car...Especially if you are commuting downtown.

There is a lot our government could do, but People COULD do a whole lot more,

and the Best thing, this whole gas price crisis, is One issue that hasn't effected our family because,

we simply are not dependent on it that much. And it Is a freedom, not just personally, but knowing,



Anonymous said...

Does anyone live in a subdivision where there are several people who ignore the subdivision rules?
I do. No one is supposed to have those ugly fences on the top of their pools, and it seems that everyone in the sub with a pool has one of those. My neighbor has one, and I have to look at that hideous thing every time I look out my window. Then there is my other neighbor who has three dogs. The maximum number of dogs is supposed to be two. I wouldn't mind the three, but two of them are pit bulls who viciously snarl and growl and act like they are going to eat my dog when they are outside. Even the owners scream at them to stop. It is very unnerving. Then one of the board members is delinquent by 3 years on the dues because she has decided she doesn't need to pay since she is on the board. I can't take the neighbors around here. I was looking for a forum to vent about the jerks around here and I came across this site called and I sent all of those idiots on the board and all my lovely neighbors with the ugly pools an anonymous card. LOL I loved it. I know it sounds stupid but I feel better. He he he.