Friday, July 24, 2009

Yes, but to Who?


Obama Prays 'All the Time' for Guidance
Thursday, July 23, 2009 6:55 PM

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama says he's gone from praying nightly before going to bed to praying all the time because he has a "lot of stuff" on his plate and needs "guidance all the time."

Obama made the comments in an interview to air Thursday on ABC's "Nightline."

Obama says he thinks every president has been humbled by the number of issues they have had to deal with. He says he thinks they are quickly cured of the illusion that one person can solve all those problems.


Anonymous said...

"He says he thinks they are quickly cured of the illusion that one person can (scratch: solve all those problems) (insert: QUICKLY undermine generations of forward progress."


revereridesagain said...

That wouldn't be 5 times a day would it? If he shows up with a bruise in the middle of his forehead should we start to worry?

Just kidding. Everybody knows Obama is a kind, loving, generous Christian. Just look at the church he attended for 20 years.

Forgive an atheist for saying this, but even I know Jesus would chase Rev. Jeremiah Wright around his pulpit with a horsewhip by about 10 minutes into one of those "God damn America!" sermons.

"Prays all the time." Hah. To what?

andre79 said...

He's praying 5 times a day facing South East.

Anonymous said...

I think his name Barack HUSSEIN Obama should give us a hint! I don't know, just a thought!