Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The Fix Was In

Ground Zero Mosque gets green light

. . . by a vote of 9-0.


LL said...

I'm sure that a lot of money arrived in paper bags.

Pastorius said...

Yes, it would seem so.

Damien said...


If only the Middle East didn't have so much oil wealth.

midnight rider said...

Now now now. Don't you know that both the GOP and public opinion are wrong about opposing this?

Epaminondas said...

Try to imagine what it's going to take for the alarm bell to be heard.

Pastorius said...

At this point, we don't even have the motivation to put a stop to our being dick-slapped in the face. What will it take to get us to actually hunt down and kill or deport the enemies in our midst?

Anonymous said...

guns and the will to use them.

Americans are a bunch of whining pussies...just look at Mayor Blosterfuck in New York.

Don't believe me?

Ask Ted Nugent.

LL said...

The Republicans and Democrats take Saudi money with equal enthusiasm.

Don't expect help from politicians.

Anonymous said...

What union is going to raze the building?
What union is going to build?

revereridesagain said...

This is the Death Cage Match of public consciousness raising about Islamic strategy, tactics, and goals. If we can't get them to pay attention to this, then I'd say nothing short of another 9/11 is going to do it and it will be just unforgivable if it takes that to make them finally pay attention.

Btw, just out of curiosity, what is that building on fire behind the old camel rider in the photo?

Pastorius said...

I don't know. I don't remember where I got this photo.

I call the photo "Conducting Jihad" and I tend to use it for stories where the public doesn't recognize that they are being Jihaded up their asses.

Ima Wurdibitsch said...

Unbelievable. I am stunned. I really thought that, somehow, the will of the people would have been respected.

Alexander Münch said...

Paul, the "O"racle "O"ctopus said :-

The mother of all evil is,
===" America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition.
Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings. "===

If you are still perplexed, it is because you are in a wrong state of mind !

Now, read it again,
===" Israel and Hamas are not exclusive and need not be in competition.
Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings. "===

Repeat reading it time and again, until you are 100% convinced !

Spit ! Spit ! Spit !

Ms. Cat said...


I'm afraid its going to come down to the people.

Pastorius said...

Yes, it is becoming commonplace that our government simply ignores the will of the people.

That can not keep happening. Especially when their decisions bring no success.

This Mosque, if it is built, will be shown to produce Jihadism within 2 years of it's completion.

You just watch.

Damien said...


Yet there are people out there who will immediately accuse anyone of us of bigotry for simply speaking out agianst this thing, and no I'm not talking about members of the Stealth Jihad.