Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Leaked Samuel Alito Draft Opinion Indicates SUPREME COURT HAS VOTED TO OVERRULE ROE V. WADE

 I would not have expected this:

Votes can still be flipped, but it looks like opinions are solid enough that opinions have been written.

Last week, Chief Justice Roberts was trying to work his Obamacare magic, pretending to vote with the majority only so he could manipulate one or more weak votes to turn their votes in favor of upholding Obamacare. He's doing that again with Roe, reports say.

Nothing is official until the decision is read aloud from the steps of the Supreme Court.

Leaked draft: Here, thanks to Sharkman. Or, as I know him, "Sharkman," with quotation marks.

I don't think the leak is a chess move, more a Hail Mary to gin up outrage and try to scare the votes.

Guess how many death threats are inbound.


They did the same thing with Obamacare, didn't they? Ginning up a public pressure campaign to intimidate the justices.


Always On Watch said...

This leak is politically driven. Period. Full stop.

Think about the certain ramifications of the leak.

This news will energize the Democrat Party voters to come to the polls to support Joe Biden. I full expect President Dementia to announce that he and his party will defend Roe v. Wade.

revereridesagain said...

I'm just a woman. I have no rights over even my own body, according to you Christians. What right have I to comment?