Wednesday, December 14, 2022

GENDERQUEER: America's Child Soldiers


From The Last English Prince:

Now let’s discuss America’s Child Soldiers:

When our sons were of the age to learn multiplication tables their father placed a shotgun in their hands. Taken out along the plains of Texas, they learned gun safety, respect for the weapon and the hunt. It is a bond which strong fathers and sons can share – the bond of God-given and healthy masculinity.

Today, America’s children are being taught to hunt. But they are hunting their parents. They are a growing battalion which I have named America’s Child Soldiers.

The hunting weapon being placed into their hands is of a new hybrid class: Gender queer, gender fluid, pan-sexual…. These are just some of the hybrids of a new class of weapons. And those training America’s Child Soldiers are criminal pedophiles, rapists and garden variety perverts who have insidious goals. Arm the children. Send them back into their homes. Threaten the authority of the biological parent with your hybrid weapon. The child has now been effectively kidnapped to be trained for greater lethality.

One mother, wanting to protect and keep the peace in her home was threatened by an Army Lieutenant Colonel. She is not allowed to maintain parental control. She is not allowed to voice an opinion. These weapons are now being trafficked by the U.S. military within the market for nubile flesh.

A prior generation of teens had “sneaking around sex”. They thought the parents couldn’t figure it. But they also respected (and feared) the parents sufficiently to keep it private. Keeping peace under the roof was important.

Today, the very young and vulnerable are being deliberately alienated from their parents. Once alienated, the children can be mined no less ruthlessly than the blood diamonds of Africa. Highly coveted. These human “blood diamonds” will be moved into trafficking very carefully and skillfully by those who have rapacious lust against the innocent. The children are valuable. And they can fetch a tragically high price. And at this point, they have merely been enlisted into a wickedly delusional program. Too young to drink. But never to young to consider sex.

Predators in the wild observe the flock. They seek out the weak and vulnerable. But within our society today – the predators seek out the weak and return them to the flock to hunt the elders… the wise… the mature and the strong.

Hybrid sex is being weaponized as a means to alienate very young children from their parents. Train the child. Hand them the weapon. Send them back into the home to wound the parent. The ensuing desolation of the soul on both sides places the weak of the flock back into the fangs of the cruel.

When looking at how transgenderism destroys the soul, my thoughts always turn to Sam Brinton. He is a vocal advocate for America’s Child Soldiers.

As someone who has worked within locked wards for adolescent psychiatry, I have noted that compulsions are usually twins or triplets. The dominant compulsion is usually stalked by shadowy companion obsessions. And in the case of Sam – he is at least a quad-C: transgender… puppy kink… impulsive thievery of women’s luggage from airport carousels… and now we find he likes rope tricks. “They” is one of a legion who want to train and arm America’s Child Soldiers.

So when that child walks into the home and points that weapon at you – say to them, “I am your father.” Take that weapon away from them and dismantle it. Better yet, engage in pre-emptive strike. Mount costly class action civil lawsuits against those training America’s Child Soldiers. The marauders must be stopped.


revereridesagain said...

But every woman must have children, so this is only going to get worse, exponentially, especially with more unwanted ones.

But hey, she has to pay!

thelastenglishprince said...

What kind of a word salad is that, Revere? It is also not on topic. A cogent thought would be appreciated. Post something you can defend that meets the test of the logical man.

revereridesagain said...

It is on topic. Many in this country appear to believe women should have no choice about bearing children. I'm noting that the unwanted kids will be even more vulnerable.

I tried to help fight this kind of deliberate sexual warping of kids 40 years ago going on in places like military base child care facilities. (We were sneered at.) Get pissy with me when you can say the same.

As TLEP's eloquent essay states, this campaign has been allowed to continue to the point where grade school age kids are being weaponized. Those of us who remember the 60s are no strangers to that, but this combines Marxist politics with the devastating effects of sexual perversion on impressionable young people, much more destructive than the old "free love", as this destroys the core of personality.

Thelastenglishprince said...

You have no idea what I have done with my own life. But I will give one example: A co-worker who was single and pregnant was planning an abortion. She chose life, because of me. When I last saw her, the daughter was four years old and my co-worker incredibly happy to have the child in her life. I have worked tirelessly on behalf of children.

Thank you for your work on military bases. As a former officer who traveled to a base in a remote region tethered to our power, a concern was for better Dept. of Defense schools for the children of the active duty parents.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. This is what makes America great - the freedom of expression which allows us to share ideas and learn from the other.


revereridesagain said...

Do you suggest that being cajoled into have a baby she does not want will make every woman "incredibly happy"? Or that a woman who is not is an evil slut? She is a unique, individual, rational human being born with the right to control her own body and her life because of what she is, not what some imaginary sky god allegedly conferred. What makes her life meaningful and happy may not be what you would approve, but no one has the right to suspend those rights.

We aren't in an agreement/disagreement phase with abortion in this country, as it has been decided in favor of denying women's rights, and we can only support whichever side we have chosen.

Born children are humans with all attendant rights, even though their behavior has to be regulated by adults to protect them from harm as their minds develop. To threaten, lie to, and otherwise defraud and distort the workings of a child's mind is abuse. That includes inappropriate sexual manipulation by "trans" supporters and others in the "LGBTQ community" who do not respect these boundaries, only seek to "affirm" and increase their own ranks. Younger children cannot defend themselves from this, so we have to commit to that knowing that the consequences will be grave if we fail.

thelastenglishprince said...

Not "cajoled". Ultimately, the abandonment of a baby in utero was possibly preceded by abandonment of the pregnant lady by the biological father. This is a time to support, not abort. Not judge, but assist. Among other things I have done? Hosted a lavish baby shower for a single mother when working with a pregnancy crisis center. Later? Adoption of two newborns whose mothers could not care for them? Accomplished at great financial cost. Last time I checked, there are forty couples for every adoptable baby. Since the SCOTUS decision - which did belong within the domain of the individual states - there just might be a few more couples welcoming babies into their homes. We welcomed two babies. Our lives have been enriched.

One more story? At great cost, I flew to Mexico many years ago and spent two weeks caring for twin neonate girls abandoned by their mother due to poverty. The woman who was feeding them boiled rice water for their bottles. When I picked them up, one of the babies eyes were rolled back in her head and she was near death. Both of them, fit in a small baby carrier. I lost seven pounds in two weeks caring for them... washing diapers on a cement rub board in the cold... constant feedings, non-existent sleep. Trips to an attorney, etc. I then placed them in an orphanage.

Please do not judge through the lens of your bias against those of us who celebrate the life of every baby. Some of us just really, really love babies.

Not wanting to dominate the comments, let me bid adieu and wish you well.