Researchers "Horrified," Warn of Increasing "Fascism," As Students Send In Mocking Answers to Their Woke Identity Politics Survey
The paper broke the responses down into themes like demographics, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), gender, "anti-trans, anti-queer," racism, antisemitism and "online hate subculture references." Several answers contained profanity and other offensive and obscene language and many referenced memes.
According to the article, when the "malicious" subjects were asked to fill out demographic data, "12 respondents (24%) indicated their gender as being related to a helicopter or aircraft" ranging from an "Apache Attack Helicopter" to a "V22 osprey." In the section declaring one's disabilities, responses ranged from claiming to be "illiterate" to lamenting "My country is run by communists," or even declaring that identifying as transgender is a disability in itself due to "the inability to come to terms with biological reality."
One respondent claimed to identify as a gift card as their gender. Under racial and ethnic identities they said, "I’m an ethnic gift card," and for disability the answer was "I don’t have enough gift cards."
Other responses to questions about identity rejected the researchers’ project entirely, with answers such as "My skin color is not important," "Come on man, these questions are stupid. Everyone is a grab bag of genetics from all over the world," and "What else do you want to know? What I ate for breakfast. [T]his question is unnecessary."
The kids have more wit, defiance, and badassery than I would have expected, at least given the direction in which it is aimed. Good on them. Maybe there's hope after all.
Teach the children quietly
So that some day
Our sons and daughters
Will fight while we stood still
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