Thursday, March 16, 2006

The War on the War, the guiding example type

Among the many lessons learned around us, is the rather hard one that in fact the political 'great game' of history is proceeding as if Hiroshima. and tens of thousands of nuclear weapons has changed nothing.

In deciding that the security of the USA (which in a solipsoid mode my family) is best served by democracy and individual rights worldwide, this otherwise SEEMINGLY idealistic march to the unachievable has revealed how alone we are in thinking what is 'right'.

It's not just Jefferson against Mohammed's brain tumor, revelation, or whatever you what to think, it appears more and more that the dialectic created by a western left which believes property and private rights evil (rather than the genetic force of freedom they are), and capitalism the satan of social justice, has managed to inject this anti survival virus into those who really DO mean us harm, and those whose nationalistic 'pride' or dhimmitudinal fear, or financial, social, and military envy has blinded them to the final results.

To whit, the article in the Asia Times which points out that our efforts to replace the human rights council whose chair nations have been Syria (HAMA, 1982 - 20,000 murdered, weeks after Sabra and Shattila which killed 10% of that), Libya (one of the most insipid and execrable lunar guided dictatorships yet) , and the rest of the sad parade of third world hideous losers with an entity of objective value which CAN guard human rights, have not only been pushed aside, but rejected 170-4. (USA, Palau, Marshall Islands, Israel ?? WTF?)

The United States' diplomatic approach to human rights is, in its own way, every bit as partisan and partial as some of the notorious human-rights offenders who have conspired to emasculate the Human Rights Commission over the years.
That pretty well sums up the conclusion that we are no different from 'Syria' , 'Iran' or 'Libya', and have no moral standing, since we had a group of 4-5 criminals make a pyramid of naked iraqi gentlemen, one, some or all of whom may have been Qutb brained ginstu wielding salafi zarqoids.

Is it just me, or is anyone else sick of the UN and what it has become?

170-4? Tells me that these nations want to continue with what is, rather than create HUMAN RIGHTS, without which of course desire for real democracy is a farce.

Frankly this means that it is only a matter of time until an overwhelming wave of american isolationism, and withdrawal sets in. Can' you FEEL it today? Not just because of this.

Worst of all, the United States, whose values (Jefferson, Hamilton, Franklin, Madison, Adams) continue to be rejected for third world totalitarian jokes, western democracies seeking to 'compromise' with other value sets, and be seen as 'reasonable', religiously superior theocratic dictatorships, and dialectic which NO ONE REALLY BELIEVES, in order to ensure that the real danger that governments, should the USA be even MARGINALLY successful, would have to REPORT to, be RESPONSIBLE to, and SERVE the people they just want to govern undisturbed, would pull back, and in time of perceived danger execute the 20 minute solution via Trident.

Who knows, perhaps that is just exactly what the right path is.
There will be economic disaster, bloodshed (other places), and radioactive ashes carried huge distances, but it just looks like too many rats in the cage folks.

Where's my coffee? I have to go kick the dog.


Jay.Mac said...

Looks like we need to scrap the UN and start over- with USA, Palau, Marshall Islands, Israel as the founding nations.

Is this how the 21st century begins, with only four nations valuing human rights?

joseph55555 said...

We have a terror problem because we have an immigration problem