Monday, March 02, 2015

USAF v IAF over Iraq? Is that the world of Obama?

By now, I think, an awful lot of people have seen the story broken by a national newspaper of Kuwait, Al Jarida, that an American diplomat told them Israel’s strike was averted because Zbig Brzezinski, whose anti Israel certifications bridge the gap to FUNCTIONAL anti Semitism, and whose tenure as NSC leader was a DISASTER, convinced Obama to tell Bibi the USAF would attack any IAF jets crossing Iraq to get at Iran’s nuclear program.

So we take you to one year in to Obama’s first term. Telegraph UK:
Obama snubbed Netanyahu for dinner with Michelle and the girls, Israelis claim
Benjamin Netanyahu was left to stew in a White House meeting room for over an hour after President Barack Obama abruptly walked out of tense talks to have supper with his family, it emerged on Thursday.
25 Mar 2010
So it began. But a personal snub over a building in Jerusalem, is a long way from this story now revealed.

If true, the FEAR that this story of the USA defending Iran militarily would be revealed by Netanyahu in his address to the joint session must have been shriveling scrotums into a rictus of snarling yelps in the bunker. No doubt Jen, and Marie, the unbimbo bimbo’s of State would have a job offer for Bibi after Obama minions had invaded Israel as Samantha Power once suggested, and seen to Bibi’s electoral overthrow.

It is somewhat ironic that she, and Susan (I am a tool who will make myself a national liar for my lord Obama) Rice are the speakers for Obama this week at AIPAC.

But never mind that now.

Imagine the scene in Israeli HQ when Brzezinski’s plan hit. Any tangling over Iraq as American planes and pilots DEFENDED IRAN from ALLY ISRAEL, especially while the official policy of the USA was to ABSOLUTELY PREVENT IRAN FROM ACQUIRING NUCLEAR WEAPONS, would be an utter, all time disaster. Any success the USA had would degrade the attack. But what if Israel ‘won’? Completely Pyrrhic.

But now, as with other Obama #REDLINES that policy on which nations depended is gone and the avalanche of stories telling us the deal is that Iran will be free to stockpile an arsenal as Pakistan did (now if they can keep it secret) in 10 years, before coming out as a nuclear power.

It is my hope that Netanyahu will use the words of EVERY leader of Iran about their plans for Israel since 1979 to explain without having to explain why he is there, and will find a way to warn not just of a coming nuclear arms race as Obama’s legacy, but that because of the score of red lines Obama has drawn, Israel must draw JUST ONE, and that if this deal occurs, it has been crossed.

The administration has tried to rebuff Bibi by telling us that Israel has no alternative to this horrible deal.

Well, he HAS ONE. You just don’t like it.

They have been conducting drill after drill, including sub launched missiles, you can be sure, but IMHO whatever will be coming, if it comes to it, will NOT be just a bunch of F-16’s with bombs.

If this story of Obama’s threat is true, then Israel’s strike must be DECISIVE in one swing.

You tell me what that compels.

1 comment:

Pastorius said...

That would be ICBM's in the butt, Bob.