Sunday, March 17, 2019

Dinesh D'Souza: "Fighting to Preserve The American Dream ... Because Frankly, There is No Chinese Dream, And If The French Have a Dream, I Don't Think We Want To Know"

My favorite part of this video comes just after the 30 minute mark, when Dinesh lays out the history of Socialism, and how it became Nationalist Socialism.

According to Dinesh, the Communists saw that Marx's prediction of worldwide proletariat revolutions was not happening.

They also saw that in World War I, the Communists of Britain fought for Britain, and the Communists of France fought for France.

They reasoned that this was because Nationalism is just as strong an animating factor as economics.

Hence they decided to combine the two in Italy, with Mussolini. Mussolini started the National Socialist movement under the name of Fascism. Previous to that, he had always identified himself as a Socialist, working with the Marxists to achieve their dream.

So National Socialism was an adaptation, or an evolution of Socialism that came about because of one of it's deficiencies which had been identified by the Communists themselves.

Interesting.  I have never heard it laid out so clearly.

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