Saturday, June 13, 2020

Black Pro-Lifers Arrested for Praying at Planned Parenthood While Hundreds of Rioters Go Free

(With apologies to RRA cuz I know she doesn't like it when I post stuff like this - but I like her)
In the midst of violent riots and looting in New York City, police in the city chose to arrest two black women who were peacefully counseling women outside a Planned Parenthood abortion facility instead. 
Church Militant reports pro-life advocates Bevelyn Beatty and Edmee Chavannes were arrested May 30 on the sidewalk outside the Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood Center in Manhattan. 
The women were arrested after allegedly violating city social distancing guidelines because of the coronavirus. Beatty and Chavannes said they were social distancing. 
“Let me tell you something, Christians get it the worst,” Beatty said of their pro-life outreach. 
“I have not been so harassed by the police until I started doing this! Christians get it the worst!” She said they were not protesting at the abortion facility, they went there to offer women information and resources for themselves and their babies, as they often do. 
“We’ve been at that clinic for a while standing for children’s lives and bringing the gospel to these women because they need help just as well as the babies,” Beatty said. “And we feel COVID has been used strategically to push a bias against abolitionists. We’re pro-life but we’re abolitionists.”

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