Monday, October 28, 2024

A stunning undercover video that was just released by Steven Crowder, reveals a Democrat operative, who can be seen explaining to an undercover female how members of his party are stealing elections from Republicans. 

During his lengthy discussion, Joel Caldwell, the director of operations for The Coalition For The People’s Agenda in Georgia explains how elections are stolen, by using a variety of methods, from kicking Republican poll watchers out of the State Farm Arena in 2020 because of an alleged water main break, to ballot harvesting in nursing homes, to verifying the 2000 Mules movie was accurate, while admitting he believes he was able to identify a union member’s vehicle that was seen in the Dinesh D’Souza movie based on True the Vote’s research.

This is the most important undercover video you will watch about how Democrats are reportedly stealing our elections.

According to Joel’s LinkedIn page, he is also the communication Specialist for the Georgia AFL-CIO.



My wife is a dark brown-skinned lady. 

I don't want my family to be broken up by Orange Man Bad!!!

"It’s also hard to believe Kamala openly said these things"

I Was Told We'd Be Seeing a Nuremberg Rally, and All I Got Was a Lackluster Don Rickles Vegas Lounge Act Circa 1963

 Last Night’s Rally, From Afar.

So the event was pretty anodyne. What was most jarring to me was the pacifist tone taken by some speakers. Joe Biden was denounced as a warmonger. But to be a warmonger, don’t you have to start at least one war? Biden is a terrible commander in chief, as manifested in his withdrawal from Afghanistan, but he didn’t display there the instincts of a warmonger. The opposite, if anything. And it may be reasonable to blame Biden, in part, for the wars that have broken out in Ukraine and Israel, but that is on account of weakness, not militarism.

Worse, in my view, were the denunciations of Dick Cheney and, implicitly, George W. Bush. The days when Republicans stood for a vigorous national defense are apparently gone. When Lutnick shouted “Crush the jihad!” it was a jarring echo of a vanished era. And more than one speaker criticized our support for both Ukraine and Israel from what can only be described as an isolationist perspective.

So last night’s successful, if rather tame, rally leaves the Democrats as the only party to hold a Nazi-themed event in recent years.

As for the comedian, Tony Hinchcliffe, we missed him, so I watched his bit on YouTube this morning. He was mildly amusing and inoffensive for the most part, but he made jokes about Puerto Ricans and others that were arguably racist. They were the kind of joke that comedians like Don Rickles told in the 1960s. But the Democrats have seized on Hinchcliffe’s appearance and made it the only “news” story to emerge from the rally.

Which makes one wonder: why did the Trump campaign think it was a good idea to put Hinchcliffe on stage? I’m told that his material last night was relatively mild; frequently, he is more controversial. The Trump team knew that the Democrats had gone all-in on characterizing last night’s event as a neo-Nazi rally. Trump’s speech made that charge look silly, but his campaign allowed the Democrats to claim vindication by needlessly featuring Hinchcliffe.

RIP PHIL LESH - Grateful Dead Live 1972



Kill Tony Just About Kills Himself Attempting to "Warm Up" The Crowd At The Trump Rally"

Make This Gay Fella Trump’s Press Secretary

I love Tony Hinchcliffe, but the crowd doesn't get him at all. 

And it's even better that way.


Yo-yo Ma, Stuart Duncan, Chris Thile,
Edgar Meyer, Aoife O-Donovan
Here and Heaven

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Kamala Advisor CAUGHT Saying They Want To DESTROY Elon Musk’s Twitter, END Free Speech

Kamala Campaign IMPLODES, Biden Accused Of SABOTAGING

Embattled Democratic Mayor Eric Adams Defends Trump, Refutes Kamala and Top Democrats for Calling Trump a ‘Fascist’

Green River


Lucinda Williams