Tuesday, January 10, 2006

New Forum/Discussion Board on the Danish Cartoons of Mohammed

If anyone is interested, Hans Henrick Lichtenberg, a Danish journalist, started a new Forum/Discussion Board in order to continue the dialogue on the Danish cartoons of Mohammed published by the Danish newspaper, Jyllends-Posten. The Forum just got started because most of the discussion up 'till now was so extensive (193 comments) that it was overwhelming Hans' server for his blog, the Newspaper Index. Some really interesting stuff. One of the few forums that actually has a fairly good number of Muslims and Westerners (and Leftists) particpating.

I have been observing more than participating. I think many of the bright and insightful minds on this blog could make a significant contribution to this discussion.

Cross posted at Fu2rman and Friends


Anonymous said...

That cartoon is hilarious.

I would happily pay for that to be put up on a huge billboard in London. Who's with me?!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it could be turned into a Grolsch advert... Shtop! Shtop! These things take time...

Pastorius said...

That's a great ad, Jonz. I'll put up some money.

I am in the Advertising business. Those big billboards are very expensive. Depending upon location and visibility, they can go for anywhere from $5,000-50,000 US in New York or LA. This will require quite a few Infidels.

Krishna109 said...

Isn't there a law in Great Britain against criticizing a religion?

However, I think a billboard would be a great idea. I remember coming across this on JihadWatch-- I wonder if there have been any updates?

A search revealed several others, including these:

1. (video clip):

2. http://www.homelandsecurityus.com/politicalcorrectness.htm

3. http://www.cair-florida.org/ViewArticle.asp?Code=PR&ArticleID=470

Krishna109 said...

Btw, JMJ, thanks for letting us know about the new site.

I think it would be a good idea if some of us went over there and added our "two cents" to the discussions (and perhaps also let them know about the Infidel Bloggers Alliance weblog?)

Krishna109 said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Isn't there a law in Great Britain against criticizing a religion?

Nope. Not yet at least...

Anonymous said...

Now this is my message to the West:

There exists a cultural vagueness in the West. This vagueness results from the presence of two different concepts. The first is a great Western concept that we respect, appraise, and need. That concept is freedom of speech. This is a great humane and civilized concept. On the other hand, there is the great Islamic concept of dignifying Allah’s Messenger (SAWS). The problem arises due to the lack of understanding of the Islamic Civilization and the Western Civilization regarding these two concepts. The non-Muslims cannot value the rank of dignifying the Prophet (SAWS). On the other hand, due to the below-average quality of practical application of freedom of speech, Muslims have a vague understanding of the concept of respecting freedom of speech.

Accordingly, what is required now? We do not want to refuse the concept of freedom of speech, absolutely not. However, the West should alter the freedom of speech so that it does not collide with the very important Islamic value of dignifying the Prophet (SAWS). Here lies the vagueness and ambiguity. The West understands very well the freedom of speech (which we appreciate) but it does not understand Islamic values, such as dignifying the Prophet (SAWS) and other Islamic sanctities. This is where the Western cultural vagueness lies.

I clearly say to the West, you have a problem. You cannot comprehend how much the Muslims love Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). You are still unable to understand this point. If you had really encompassed its significance, you would never have accepted what happened. The West, in general, governments and people, does not apprehend that Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) is dearer to us than our parents, dearer to me than my father and dearer than my mother. I am sure that any Muslim woman listening to me now, be her religious or not, will swear on that fact. Just ask, what does Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) mean to you? It is not even necessary to do that because it is so evident, but you may conduct surveys for yourselves, and you will realize how true what I am saying is. Ask any youth, be he heedless or pious; ask any Muslim anywhere, in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Yemen or in Egypt. Ask any Muslim in any village regardless of how religious he is, be he an obedient Muslim or not, a drug user or not, successful in his life or a failure, old or young, ask them, what does Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) mean to you?

O West, I affirm that Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) is dearer to all Muslims than their own parents. O West, Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) is dearer to us, Muslims, than our children and grandchildren. O West, Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) is dearer to us than our money, dearer to us than our own selves. He is dearer to us than our own countries. O Egyptian, who is dearer to you, Egypt or Allah’s Prophet? O Saudi, who is dearer to you, Saudi Arabia or Allah’s Prophet? O Yemeni, O Moroccan, O Algerian, who is dearer to you, your country or Allah’s Messenger (SAWS)? O West, comprehend that meaning, Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) is dearer to Muslims than their children and their own selves.

We can never forget the hadith that I repeatedly mentioned during the episodes of “On the Path of the Beloved”. O West, listen to this hadith[11] as it forms part of the sentimental make-up of the Islamic personality:

“We were with the Prophet and he was holding the hand of Omar Ibnul-Khattab. Omar said to him, ‘O Allah's Messenger! You are dearer to me than everything except my own self.’ The Prophet said, ‘No, by Him in Whose Hand my soul is, (you will not have complete faith) till I am dearer to you than your own self.’ Then Omar said to him, ‘However, now, by Allah, you are dearer to me than my own self.’ The Prophet said, ‘Now, O Omar, (now you are a believer).’”[12]

Being a true believer is conditioned with loving Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) more than our own selves.

O West, this is our notion and this is our love for Prophet Muhammad (SAWS).

I know that the West resists racism as they realize very well what it means. I also know that they stand up against any anti-Semitic assaults as they recognize the serious consequences of such acts. Yet, true contradiction lies in respecting Semitism and resisting racialism on the one hand, while humiliating the most valued figure for Muslims, the Prophet (SAWS), on the other.

Six months ago, a famous journalist of the BBC attacked Arabs describing them as a worthless nation. In spite of being a renowned figure with a daily program in Britain, his slandering was rejected by the British as racist and he was fired from the BBC. At that time, I was preparing a program on family matters, and knowing that he had articles and shows tackling this subject, I wanted to refer to them. To my surprise, none of his works were available due to his intolerant views against Arabs. There is no way to compare the Prophet (SAWS) to the Arabic nation, as slandering them is of a diminutive nature when compared to offending the Prophet (SAWS). My message to the West then is that freedom of speech, which we indeed respect, honor, and actually need, should be modified so that it does not clash with the highly revered Muslim value of dignifying the Prophet (SAWS). The West respects monarchies, Semitism, all races, and different ethnicities, and its respect to the Prophet (SAWS) and to sacred Muslim values should be no less.

Thus, my message to the Muslim ummah is that we should not forsake dignifying the Prophet (SAWS) under any circumstance. On the other hand, my message to the West is that the value of freedom of speech should be adapted to Muslim values.

My third message is to the whole world. This offense does not aim at the Prophet (SAWS) alone, but rather to one billion, two hundred thousand Muslims; or rather to all humanity. To explain this further to everyone, whether Muslim or not, I believe that Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) is the greatest personality that existed on earth. There is no doubt that his model of reform was most successful so far and whoever denies this fact is indeed most ungrateful. Slandering him is actually slandering humanity. Great men that existed throughout history were qualified as such due to a certain trait in their characters. Gandhi for example, was a great politician, Shakespeare a great dramatist, Voltaire a great writer, Napoleon a great military leader and so on. They were all great in one aspect or the other, while the Prophet (SAWS) was great in every aspect of his life. He was so great morally that he never hit or humiliated a soul, never beat a woman, never betrayed or lied, never went back on his word or avenged himself. He was always called 'the truthful and honest one' before bearing the message of Islam, and after becoming a prophet, the values and principles of the Qur’an were the model for his behavior. He was also great in his political insight. After the Battle of the Trench, for example, he knew that it was a turning point that would not be followed by a defeat. Moreover, he was great in his submissiveness to Allah as he bowed when praying, saying,

“O Allah, it is for Thee that I bowed. I affirm my faith in Thee and I submit to Thee, and submit humbly before Thee my hearing, my eyesight, my marrow, my bone, my sinew.”[13]

He (SAWS) also used to stand (in prayer) until both his feet swelled. When asked why (he offered such an unbearable prayer) he said,

“Should I not be a thankful slave?” [14]

He was great in the way he believed in freedom of opinion. In the Battle of Badr, he changed the location of the battlefield upon the advice of a soldier. He also agreed to dig the trench around Madinah according to Salman al-Faresy’s suggestion, and changed the fighting plan of the Battle of Uhud to respect the opinion of some of his companions. This is how he respected freedom of speech 1400 years ago!

He was great at forgiving others. On the day of the Conquest of Makkah, his companions were rejoicing saying, “Today is the day of a great battle and today Quraysh will be humiliated by Allah”. Conversely, what the prophet (SAWS) response was that today is the day of mercy in which Allah will bestow honor on Quraysh.

He was great in his voluntary renunciation of worldly luxuries when he could have been the richest man on earth had he wished to be. He was also great in the way he dealt with young people motivating them to exercise. For example, he once passed by some of the young companions of the tribe of Aslam practicing archery and he said to them,

“O offspring of Ishmael! Practice archery as your father was a great archer. I am with (on the side of) the son of so-and-so-.” Hearing that, one of the two teams stopped throwing. The Prophet (SAWS) asked them, “Why are you not throwing?” They replied, “O Allah's Apostle! How shall we throw when you are with the opposite team?” He said, “Throw, for I am with you all.”[15]

His enemies were never able to slander him due to any bad trait. He lived with them for 40 years before the divine message and another 13 years after it, and never were they able to smear him with a single bad trait that marred his character, or doubt his outstanding abilities. They even testified that he had never lied in his life. That is how great he was and that is how humiliating him smears every American, Indian, Pakistani etc.; everyone, whether Muslim or not. It is an insult to all humankind when such a great man is insulted.

He was great in his mercy. When he was persecuted by the people of At-Ta’ef and stoned until his feet kept bleeding, the angel of the mountains asked for his permission to destroy them. Yet his response was to supplicate Allah to guide them and to save them. Furthermore, in the Battle of Uhud, he was injured, overcome by his enemies, had his front teeth broken, and fell into a pit with blood gushing from his wounds. Nevertheless, when his companions asked him to curse them and to invoke Allah to punish them, he declined stressing the fact that he was sent as a mercy to all of humankind. He even invoked Allah to guide them to the right path and to excuse them for their ignorance.

He was merciful even with animals narrating that,

“A man saw a dog eating mud from (the severity of) thirst. So, that man took a shoe (and filled it) with water and kept on pouring the water for the dog till it quenched its thirst. So Allah approved of his deed and made him enter Paradise.”[16]

Similarly, he (SAWS) said,

“A woman was tortured and was put in Hell because of a cat which she had kept locked till it died of hunger.”[17]

This is our Prophet and this is how great he was. Unlike that of other great human figures in history, the Prophet’s greatness is lasing throughout the generations.

He believed in co-existence. He trusted the Jews and gave them all the rights of citizenship in Madinah, guaranteeing that no one would harm them, take any of their money, force them to convert, or intercede with their freedom to worship. He was also great in co-existence when he was against using the Muslims loyal to him in Makkah to create tension among the people of Quraysh, even during the war between Makkah and Madinah. At the time of the Hudaybeya treaty, he could have waged war against Quraysh but resorted to peace instead. He could have turned it into a bloodbath, but he chose peace and forced it on his enemies.

The human race should be proud that Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) existed one day, whether they were Muslims, Hindu, Jews, Christians, believers of any kind, or even non-believers. He is a turning point in the course of humanity. This is Muhammad (SAWS) and this is how humanity was humiliated the day he was. People around the world are demanding an international law that protects the dignity of this great Prophet.

That was my message to Muslims, to the West, and to the whole world.

One final question remains here, which is, what is it that we want? We do not need speeches. It took me some time to deliver this speech, as I believe that speeches alone cannot solve this problem. We do not even want superficial apologies that are not as deep as our wounds. We do need effective actions that denote Western respect for the Prophet (SAWS). We will not stop our protests until our Prophet regains the dignity he duly deserves as our great leader. Thus empty words and shallow apologies are not enough, actions must be taken. Until then, I need everyone to convey this message to their families and friends. I want it to be translated by Dar al-Tarjama to all languages and to be distributed everywhere to reach the West. This speech will be broadcast on Iqraa’ channel soon and I want as many people as possible to watch it. Meanwhile we should do our best to let the people know about our Prophet (SAWS). ‘On the Path of the Beloved’ for example, a program about the Prophet’s life, is being replayed now on Iqraa’ every Tuesday and Friday. Dr Tarek Suweidan, A’aed al-Qarny, Al-Habib Aly al-Jifry and Dr. Al-Buty are all renowned modern Muslims scholars who have speeches and articles about the life of the Prophet. Please do your best to make good use of their works as well as the tapes of ‘On the Path of the Beloved’ to enlighten the whole world about the Prophet (SAWS), until this predicament is unraveled and until Muslim requests are answered with real actions. Thus, what I am asking everyone to do is to distribute this message everywhere and to let everyone know about who the Prophet (SAWS) is. Our duty is double fold, we need to distribute this speech and make it available everywhere, and we need to introduce the Prophet (SAWS) and tell his story to everyone, among Muslims and non-Muslims. This speech is to be continued and I am indeed not done yet with this issue. Thank you. May peace and Allah’s blessing and mercy be upon you all, and let us get to work.

Anonymous said...

Message pour l’Occident :
Je m’adresse ensuite aux Occidentaux pour leur dire qu’il y a chez eux une problématique de civilisation, qui résulte du conflit entre deux concepts. La liberté d’expression, concept majestueux, humanitaire, que nous respectons et estimons et la vénération du Messager d’Allah (BP sur lui) très importante pour les Musulmans. D’une part, les non musulmans n’arrivent pas à concevoir la valeur du Messager d’Allah (BP sur lui) pour les Musulmans et d’autre part, l’idée de la liberté d’expression n’est pas claire chez ces derniers à cause du manque de pratique.
Les deux civilisations doivent pouvoir rapprocher ces concepts. Nous ne refusons pas la liberté d’expression. Nous voulons tout simplement qu’elle ne se heurte pas à la vénération du Messager d’Allah, valeur très importante pour les Musulmans. En Occident, ils n’arrivent pas à concevoir notre amour pour le Prophète (BP sur lui) et comprendre qu’il nous est plus cher que nos pères, nos enfants ou nos petits-enfants. Demandez à tous les Musulmans, pratiquants ou non, aux jeunes, aux adultes, dans n’importe quel pays, au Pakistan, au Bengladesh, au Yémen, à un homme pieux ou égaré ce que le Messager vaut pour lui. Je suis sûr et sans avoir besoin de statistiques que vous réaliserez notre amour pour lui qui dépasse celui de notre famille ou nos patries. Les Occidentaux doivent le comprendre et entendre ce hadith que j’ai souvent répété dans les épisodes de « Sur les pas du bien-aimé » et qui exprime un des composants de l’âme des Musulmans. Il dit : Un jour, Omar qui marchait avec le Messager d’Allah (BP sur lui) en lui tenant la main remarqua son amour pour lui dans son regard et lui dit : --Par Allah, ô Messager d’Allah, tu m’es plus cher que ma famille, mes parents, mes enfants, mes biens et tout le monde. Le Messager lui répondit : --Ô ‘Omar, m’aimes-tu plus que ta famille ?” –Oui, ô Messager d’Allah. –Plus que tes parents ? -- Oui, ô Messager d’Allah. –Plus que tes enfants ? -- Oui, ô Messager d’Allah. –Plus que tes biens ? -- Oui, ô Messager d’Allah. –Plus que toi-même ? –Non, ô Messager d’Allah. – Le Prophète lui dit alors: --Oh non ‘Omar, ta foi ne sera complète que lorsque tu m’aimeras plus que toi-même, ta famille, tes biens et tout le monde. ‘Omar s’en alla et revint lui dire : --Par Allah, ô Messager d’Allah, maintenant tu m’es plus cher que moi-même, ma famille, mes enfants, mes biens et tout le monde. Le Messager lui répondit: --Maintenant ‘Omar, ta foi est complète. Les Occidentaux doivent savoir que c’est ainsi que se manifeste notre amour pour le Messager d’Allah (BP sur lui).
Je sais que les Occidentaux combattent le racisme parce qu’ils en ont conscience. Ils refusent l’antisémitisme, font la guerre à celui qui en montre. Il y a six mois, un journaliste britannique a insulté les Arabes en disant qu’ils ne valaient rien. Il était très célèbre et présentait chaque matin un programme sur la chaîne BBC. Il fut renvoyé de son emploi et de la chaîne de télévision parce qu’aux yeux des britanniques, il s’était montré raciste. J’ai essayé de trouver quelques uns de ses enregistrements vidéo qui traitent de la famille et dont j’avais besoin pour apprêter certains programmes. Je n’en ai trouvé aucun parce qu’ils ont été retirés du marché. Il a été accusé de racisme pour son inimitié envers les Arabes. Quoi dire de ceux qui en montrent envers le Messager d’Allah (BP sur lui) ? Que la bénédiction et la paix d’Allah lui soient accordées ... Que la bénédiction et la paix d’Allah lui soient accordées ...
Je dis aux Occidentaux que leur liberté d’expression doit être reformée pour ne pas se heurter au concept du respect et de la vénération des Musulmans envers le Messager d’Allah (BP sur lui). Vous devez le respectez ainsi que tout ce qui est sacré pour le Musulmans comme vous respectez les rois et le sémitisme chez vous.
Donc, mon message dit aux Musulmans que nous ne devons jamais négliger la vénération du Messager et je dis aux Occidentaux que leur liberté d’expression doit être reformée pour ne pas se heurter aux valeurs musulmanes.
Message au monde entier :
Ensuite, je dis au monde entier que cette humiliation ne s’adressait pas uniquement au Messager d’Allah (BP sur lui) mais au milliard et deux cents millions de Musulmans. Même plus, à l’humanité entière. A mon avis, il est la meilleure personnalité jamais connue dans l’histoire de l’humanité. Je le dis, non parce que je suis Musulman, mais comme résultat de mes lectures, de ma connaissance du monde, de sa biographie et de ses accomplissements. Il est le meilleur symbole de l’amélioration de ce monde et celui qui dit le contraire est ingrat. Cette humiliation qui lui a été adressée en est une à l’humanité entière. Les hommes illustres, se distinguent en un seul domaine comme par exemple Shakespeare dans la littérature, Henry dans la politique, Voltaire dans la philosophie et Napoléon dans la stratégie militaire. Tandis que le Prophète s’est illustré en tout. Au cours de sa vie, il a été majestueux dans sa morale, il n’a jamais battu, insulté ou humilié quiconque, jamais menti, commis de traîtrise, manqué à un serment et ne s’est jamais vengé pour lui-même. Avant d’avoir reçu le Message, il a été le véridique et le probe et après l’avoir reçu, sa moralité était le Coran. Il est majestueux dans sa moralité et dans sa vision politique comme lorsqu’il a dit au jour de la bataille du Khandaq : “Aujourd’hui, nous les envahirons et ils ne pourront plus nous envahir.” majestueux dans sa spiritualité lorsqu’il se prosterne et dit : “Ô Allah, mon ouie, ma vue, mes os et mon cerveau se prosternent devant Toi.” Il se tenait debout en prière jusqu’à ce que ses pieds s’enflaient et lorsqu’on lui demandait pourquoi il le faisait puisque toutes ses fautes étaient pardonnées, il répondait : “Ne dois-je pas être un serviteur reconnaissant ?” Il était majestueux dans son respect de la différence d’opinions comme lors de la bataille de Badr lorsqu’il a changé l’emplacement de toute l’armée à l’avis d’un seul homme, lors de la bataille de Al-Khandaq lorsqu’il a creusé la tranchée à l’avis de Salmâne Al-Fârissi et à Uhoud lorsqu’il a suivi l’avis de ses compagnons contraire au sien. Il est majestueux dans son pardon envers ses ennemis. Pendant la conquête de la Mecque, ses compagnons disaient : “Aujourd’hui est le jour de la bagarre.” et il leur répondait : “Aujourd’hui est le jour de la miséricorde.” Ils disaient : “Aujourd’hui est le jour de l’humiliation de Qoraïche.” et il leur répondait : “Non, aujourd’hui est le jour de l’anoblissement de Qoraïche.” Après sa conquête, il dit à ces derniers : “Partez, vous êtes libres.” Il était majestueux dans son mépris pour les biens du monde, lui qui aurait pu avoir des palais et des richesses.” Il était majestueux dans sa façon de traiter les jeunes comme lorsqu’il les divisait en deux groupes pour une compétition du tir à l’arc. Il s’était mis dans le parti qui devait parer les tirs avec des boucliers mais les tireurs avaient refusé de lancer leurs flèches vers lui. Ils lui disaient : “Comment les jeter quand tu es avec eux.” Il répondait en les prenant dans ses bras avec tendresse : “Lancer et je suis avec vous tous.” Il était majestueux même aux yeux de ses ennemis. Il a vécu avec eux quarante ans avant la Mission et treize après et ils n’ont jamais pu lui trouver un seul défaut. Il lui ont même dit : “nous ne t’avons jamais entendu mentir.”
Pour toutes ces raisons, le manque de respect envers lui est une humiliation pour l’humanité entière. Il était majestueux dans son pardon comme après sa visite à At-Tâëf lorsqu’ils lui avaient jeté des pierres et lui avaient blessé les pieds. Sur le chemin du retour, l'Ange Djibrîl descendit avec l'Ange des montagnes. Djibrîl dit : « ô Mohammed, Dieu a entendu ta plainte et a entendu les propos que t'ont tenus les tiens. Il m'envoie avec l'Ange des montagnes, ordonne-lui ce que tu veux. » L’Ange des montagnes dit à son tour : « Si tu me l'ordonnes je ferai plier sur eux ces deux montagnes. » Mais le Prophète dit : « N’en faites rien, peut-être Allah fera-t-Il naître d'eux des serviteurs pieux qui L'adoreront. » Le jour de Uhoud, il était tombé dans une crevasse, son incisive avait été cassée et le sang coulait de sa bouche et de la tête. Ses compagnons lui disaient maudis-les, ô Messager d’Allah.” Il répondait : “Je n’ai pas été envoyé en mission pour maudire mais en miséricorde pour l’humanité.” Il avait levé ses mains et dit : “Ô Allah, guide mon peuple car ils sont ignorants.” Voyez comment il était miséricordieux, il priait Allah pour eux. Que la bénédiction et la paix d’Allah lui soient accordées ... Il avait de la compassion même pour les animaux et il a dit qu’une femme allait entrer au Paradis pour avoir donné à boire à un chien et une autre en Enfer pour avoir enfermer un chat.
C’est là notre Prophète, l’un des hommes majestueux de l’humanité dont la majesté dure à ce jour. Voyez comment est l’influence de tous les grands hommes par rapport à la sienne aujourd’hui. On ne peut que signaler sa majesté dans tous les domaines même dans sa coexistence avec l’autre. Il avait fait confiance aux Juifs, les avait laissés vivre à Médine, leur avait assuré tous les droits civiques et ne leur avait pas imposé sa religion. Il ne permettait à personne de leur faire du tort ou de leur usurper quoi que ce soit de leurs biens ou leurs droits. Il avait refusé d’utiliser les Musulmans de la Mecque pour y semer le trouble, quand il était lui-même à Médine et en guerre contre elle, parce qu’il croyait à la coexistence pacifique entre les citoyens d’un même pays et aux droits de citoyenneté. C’est là notre Prophète qui a signé le traité de Al-Houdaïbiya avec Qoraïche, quand il aurait pu lui faire la guerre, la baigner dans le sang et triompher d’elle. Que la bénédiction et la paix d’Allah lui soient accordées ...
L’humanité doit être fière d’avoir compté Mohammed (BP sur lui) parmi les hommes. De n’importe quelle religion que vous soyez, vous devez l’être car l’Histoire avant lui a été une chose et après lui une autre. C’est Mohammed, que la bénédiction et la paix d’Allah lui soient accordées.
Le monde a été humilié par son offense et il demande une loi internationale pour établir le respect dû à ce Prophète. C’était là mon message aux Musulmans, à la jeunesse musulmane et au monde entier.
Il ne reste qu’un seul mot à dire. Que voulons-nous ? Pas des paroles. J’ai tardé à dire mon mot parce que je ne voulais pas que le sujet se résume en quelques paroles ou en une excuse symbolique comme d’après un proverbe égyptien qui dit “Nous sommes attaqués dans l’avenue et on nous fait des excuses dans la ruelle”. Nous ne nous arrêterons que lorsque le respect sera rendu à notre Messager d’Allah (BP sur lui), un des symboles de l’humanité, le majestueux Prophète, le majestueux leader. Nous ne voulons pas des excuses symboliques mais des actions.

Unknown said...

Wordy anonymous Mohammedan,

You sound sincere, but don't you see that all your words amount to no more than a statement of your beliefs (shared no doubt by many Mohammedans all over the world) about how excellent and irreproachable a person your prophet was. But serious scholarship reveals serious doubts about the moral character of Mohammad. Why don't you look into that? Your faith has made the man sacred and now you are calling on us, non-believers, to recognize how sacred and holy and untouchable the socalled prophet was because you and ALL mohammedans believe it so very, very strongly.