Sunday, January 08, 2006

North Korea Moves to Keep the Booty

Booty and jizya are synonomous with the Muslim's jihad; they just go together. Kim Jong Il is waging his best in his own little jihad, that's blackmail jihad. Today, the US and South Korea pulled the last of their 'workers' at that nuclear plant we are building as a ransom payment for not developing the bomb. Remember that treaty? Sounds a lot like Mohammed's treaty at Hudaibiyyah, knowing full well his intent was only to gain time, strengthen his war machine, and break that treaty.

The Chron had an article about this, and this paragraph gave me a little chuckle.

North Korea protested the consortium's decision and demanded unspecified compensation from the United States, barring the removal of 93 pieces of heavy construction equipment and about 190 South Korean cars and some buses from the site, about 125 miles north of the South Korean border.

Now who do you think is going to get all those cars?

Two maniacal cults, obsessed with complete control of the state's citizens, both producing a living hell for their possessed faithful. But Kim Jong Il's hold is shallow and is transient. North Korea doesn't have a natural resource to sustain it like Islam. Nor does Kim Jong Il have the doctrines to sustain it like Islam.

Kim Jong Il, like Arafat, plays a clever game of blackmail, and like Arafat, he discards the bountiful jizya offered by the West, and misses his one opportunity. Dictators always overplay their hand. Kim Jong Il appears to be no exception.

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