Wednesday, September 06, 2006

9/11 Anniversary Terrorist Condemnation Campaign

I have long wanted to do this in vigil form, something in remembrance of the 9/11 attacks. That is still in the works perhaps, but for now I want to get people to send a message on this anniversary of the attacks. That message is one of simple CONDEMNATION. No matter what your political stripe or religious beliefs, I think that most people everywhere in their hearts condemn the terrorism that led to the deaths of so many in the most brazen attack on our country in history. So I want people to stand up and say it! Flood the web by 9/11/06 with photos, videos, anything you can think of to send a vast message to terrorists and their supporters in the world. WE CONDEMN YOU. YOU ARE ALONE, THE WORLD CONDEMNS WHAT YOU DO. Yes, we do "love life". Let's let them know it.

This is the invitation, and I know that many people here are already planning to do a good deal of work for 9/11 this year, but for people passing by and those I don't know, please join me. I've invited as well in the video all of the Muslims who write me saying that they condemn the terrorists and other like-minded Muslims to join in. CAIR even has endorsed a fatwa against terrorism done in the name of Islam, which might bring some of the less seen "moderates" out. Maybe I'm just optimistic.

The point is, if the terrorists can leave little video messages around the world talking about their beliefs and actions then everyone else can do the same. Again, I realize that a good portion of you already do this in blog and some in video form. I just want a big burst of these messages to show up for this anniversary. WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN!


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Pim, what a great idea! Even if you're like me and not handy with video equipment or even digital cameras, you can send text messages and scans. And don't confine it to the internet. If you have time this weekend or on 9/11 itself, walk into your local bookstore and ask for "Debunking 9/11 Myths" by the editors of Popular Mechanics. Ask when "Future Jihad" by Walid Phares will be issued in paperback, and when Robert Spencer's new book exposing the truth about Mohammad will be released. Buy a copy of Brigitte Gabriel's new book "Because They Hate" and tell everyone around you why they should read it too.

If you live in the greater Boston area, go over to the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard at 3:00 pm this Sunday and join the protest against the appearance of former Iran president Khatami.

Is anyone planning to be in Lower Manhattan on Monday for the 9/11 observances? I would like to come down from Massachusetts and am looking for people to link up with at the Site.

Kiddo said...

I won't be there Revere, I just wanted to do vigils long ago and now that the anniversary is coming up I just want to show the terrorists that we can send out messages just like they love to. That everyone can stand up and condemn them. I'm not sure where I'll actually be or what I'll be attending on the 11th, but I know that there'll be plenty of stuff online by then. I know people who write here are doing plenty of writing already (other than me...LOL), but I just want as many people as I can reach to make statements as well. Even through the CAIR-endorsed fatwa if that must be their route. But I want the web FLOODED!! And it probably will be anyway, but here I am prodding with my little stick anyway!