Sunday, September 10, 2006

Brand Spanking New Infidel

Cigars and roses all around as a new Infidel has arrived. B Shantanu is an Indian blogger who follows the religion of Hinduism. B Shantanu says of himself:

I have been blogging for more than 2 years now. My interest in Islam was triggered after a series of attacks by Islamic militants in India (the most audacious being the attack on Parlaiment in dec '01) and the siege and massacre of innocent children in Beslan. Thinking about these incidents, I became convinced that we were fighting an enemy so deadly and so ruthless that our whole value system and the fundamental principles of humanity were at stake...and I decided we have to fight, each one of us, in our own little way.

Most of my posts deal with Hinduism, India ("Bharat"), impact of Islam on India and of course, Islamic Terrorism. I used to blog on blogspot but recently moved to wordpress.

The blog address is

I'm sure we'll be up at all hours of the night, what with all the crying and the bottle feedings and diapers and all that. And, that's just to take care of me and Jonz. We don't yet know what having B Shantanu around will entail.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby. You are blessed.


D.C. said...

What a beautiful baby!
Best wishes to the entire family.

Pastorius said...

Even me and Jonz?