Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Full Circle - Horowitz is proven right...racism is now the province of the "progressives"

A string of anti-Semitic rants about Sen. Joe Lieberman have popped up on the liberal MoveOn.org's open forum Web site, drawing criticism from the Anti-Defamation League

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It's the latest flap in the contentious race between Lieberman, who is running as an independent to keep his seat in Connecticut, and upstart Ned Lamont, the Democratic nominee.

"We recognize that Action Forum is an open forum intended to foster the free flow of ideas," ADL head Abraham Foxman said in a letter dated Aug. 31 to MoveOn, which supported Lamont in the Democratic primary against Lieberman.

"Nevertheless, since such profoundly offensive content is appearing on a board clearly linked to MoveOn.org, we believe you should assume some responsibility to respond to this hateful content," Foxman wrote in the letter, which was forwarded by Lieberman's campaign.

If this were the only such incident, then it might be dismissable...but after Walt and Mearsheimer, after the hideous collegiate examples of Harvard and San Francisco over the past years, there can be no doubt that the forces once looked to to destroy the KKK, to oppose racial segregation and bigotry have now been coopted past recovery to be wed to that which they hated in order to oppose Israel, and do so inevitably because it is filled with jews.

David Horowitz is 100% correct

Bull Moose can't stand it as well

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1 comment:

Kiddo said...

And we all have been scrawling like Caassandras about it all this time too. Did we really expect that to stay in the closet that long? They've been rearing to go for a while now, dammit. At least now they're doing it in the open enough to draw fire. As long as it keep drawing fire.