Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Nomatter what this administration says, they are NOT fighting a war

In 1943 the USA without any compunction MURDERED Yamamoto via long range interception by an entire squadron of P-38's.
and now this excremental idea of fighting an 'existential enemy .. the call of our generation ?? The decision point of the century??? The war for Civilization??...

Taliban terror leaders who had gathered for a funeral - and were secretly being watched by an eye-in-the-sky American drone - dodged assassination because U.S. rules of engagement bar attacks in cemeteries, according to a shocking report.

U.S. intelligence officers in Afghanistan are still fuming about the recent lost opportunity for an easy kill of Taliban honchos packed in tight formation for the burial, NBC News reported.

The unmanned airplane, circling undetected high overhead, fed a continuous satellite feed of the juicy target to officers on the ground.

"We were so excited. I came rushing in with the picture," one U.S. Army officer told NBC.

But that excitement quickly turned to gut-wrenching frustration because the rules of engagement on the ground in Afghanistan blocked the U.S. from mounting a missile or bomb strike in a cemetery

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KG said...

After the PR campaign, the most urgent task in this war is get some realistic rules of engagement.
They're a recipe for defeat as they are.

Jason Pappas said...

Un-f*king-believable! We’re fighting with Clinton rules. That episode will be on the next “Path to 9/11” when we’re attacked again.