Sunday, September 03, 2006

U.S. intelligence still clueless about Iran nuke progress, still lacks Farsi-speakers...another piece of inexcusable INCOMPETENCE

A congressional report has found that the U.S. intelligence community, led by the CIA, has been unable to determine Iran's advance toward nuclear weapons. The House report said that despite three years of effort, the U.S. intelligence shortfall has hampered decisions by the Bush administration.

Well, let's just look at the historical record for a gross idea....

The US - from refining to weapon 1944-1945 -10 months in complete secrecy
The Brits on their own with the Tube Alloy project - 3 years
The French 1965 - five years
The Russkis 1949 - 3 years (we said 10-15), and then a thermonuclear weapon in 5
The Israelis - no idea
The Pakistanis in absolute secrecy - 5 years to a STOCKPILE of weapons, we don't know when they considered themselves to have a useful weapon, maybe as little as 3.
India - 5 years MAX in absolute secrecy
N Korea from cheating against Clinton to their announcement ~6 years, but who knows ..all we know is when they publicly gave us the finger.....

That's an average of three years, over 54 years. How about saving several billion dollars and declaring that unless there is evidence to the contrary Iran will have a useable stockpile in about three years, AT WORST...are they slower than the Israelis? Any takers?
Those in charge of planning for our security in medium-long term intelligence are guilty of the grossest kind of failure, and should be replaced without delay or comment. Failure to do so means the admininstration is guilty of this failure as well, and should face public disclipline in November. There is NO alternative


More on this absolutely non survival result for the USA....

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