Saturday, September 02, 2006

We Will Never Forget Beslan

As horrifying and evil as the September 11th attacks on America were, there was an almost equally horrifying attack waged in Chechneya two years ago today.

Chechneyan Muslims (with connection to Al Qaeda) stormed an elementary school in Beslan, Chechneya, taking over 1,100 teachers and students hostage. During the ensuing standoff with police, the Jihadis raped young girls, shot teachers, strung the entire school with explosives, and forced children to drink urine.

In the end, the Jihadis went Apocalypse Now on the school, murdering 319 people, 186 of whom were children.


KG said...

Only one word is necessary when idiots begin babbling about Islam being the "religion of peace".

Anonymous said...

Chechnya is one of the most under-reported conflict zones in the world. Any objective anylasis shows a society that makes Palestine look like a 4 star resort.

That being said, any sympathy for the people of Chechnyia died with those poor children. This act was so inhumane, so barbaric, you can't help root for, gulp, Putin.

This time, the Jihadists have managed to do the impossible... they turned away even the most left-wing of liberal academics.