Alright, so everyone knows, there was yet another Islamofascist attack on Western Civilization today.
Everyone is reporting on it, so I will just link.
But, I want to point out something that I never see anyone comment on.
And, I really don't want to give any asshole Jihadis any ideas, but let's be frank;
They attack airports and jetliners and subways and tall buildings because to their idiotic Islamofascist brains, those things are the height of Western Civilization.
Like I said, I don't want to give them any ideas, but if I were a fucking Jihadi, I would target Western Civilization where it would really hurt.
As much as the World Trade Center buildings did stand as a symbol of the dominance of Western Culture, they are nothing compared to the spread out industrial-complex style buildings which house Intel, and Microsoft, and Biogen.
But, the stupid Islamofascists probably don't even know what Biogen is.
I mean, in a way, it's so funny, I can't stop laughing.
If you really wanted to hurt us, you stupid motherfucking Jihadis (how does your mother feel, by the way?), you would hit us where it really hurt, at the mouth of innovation.
But, you are too stupid.
You, like monkeys impressed with baubles and shiny objects, are fascinated with airplanes, because you can't figure out how they work.
Oh sure, some of your people can learn how to fly them, and serve cocktails on them, and load luggage onto them, but you have no idea how to build them.
We, here in Western Civilization, have moved on to bigger and better things. Airplanes are only a means to an end for us. They get us from point A to point B. That is important because we need to travel in order to innovate and change the world for the better, as we have been doing, consistently now, for over 500 years.
You stupid motherfucking Islamofascists have no idea who, or what, you are dealing with!
Perhaps the funniest thing about this post is that very few Islamofascists would even understand what the accompanying graphic is.
You are like children trying to play house while the adults are actually doing all the work.
Grow up!
Ironically though Microsoft and Intel will have much stronger security. They're cowards. They know an airport is an easy target.
Can't say 9/11 was an easy target, but hey we've woken up to their game so they wont be doing that again.
I've been there.
They are easy targets.
Really? Oh well.
Maybe thats the kind of thing that will happen.
After reading this article! ... Lets hope not.
And people criticise Vladimir Putin for kicking hell out chechenya...
Personally I'd knight the guy, the only politician that has the balls to put these people back in their box!
How long before the MSM start running stories and interviews about how threatened the islamobots feel because they fear retaliation? And they're peaceful and moderate and all and don't deserve to be lumped with the crazies?
How shit are the islamics?
In the last couple of days there are 3 botched attempts. They crashed two bomb laden cars and parked a third illegally so it was towed away. Twats! Never mind flying, these apes haven't mastered the wheel.
you people only see what others do wrong. You dont see what your own people in your country does.
its your politicians who are at fault. they always find small threats in the islamic community and barge in making the small groups in those community react in an uncivilised way. Its not the muslims who are at fault. Quit your stupid foul mouth and talk some sense.
see the fault in your country before you find fault in others. you think we muslims want these wars? huh? and these fights?
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