Commenter Watcher71 wrote the following:
What I find really frustrating is that the IDF won't let me go (a non Jew) go and fight for them. They Should have a Mossad screened foreign legion....cause my tail would be off there so fast...!
Watcher71 is a half-Jamaican/half-white Brit who loves Israel, and hates the Jihadis. He is not the first non-Jew to have said this to me, and it isn't like the thought hasn't crossed my mind a few times, and I am a non-Jew in my forties with a family. (In other words, I'm not the kind of guy you would expect to think of such "adventure").
I think Israel has a hidden army far larger than they can imagine. I believe there are men and women all over the globe who are just itching to take up arms in this inevitable war.
Am I right, or what?
What I find really frustrating is that the IDF won't let me go (a non Jew) go and fight for them. They Should have a Mossad screened foreign legion....cause my tail would be off there so fast...!
Watcher71 is a half-Jamaican/half-white Brit who loves Israel, and hates the Jihadis. He is not the first non-Jew to have said this to me, and it isn't like the thought hasn't crossed my mind a few times, and I am a non-Jew in my forties with a family. (In other words, I'm not the kind of guy you would expect to think of such "adventure").
I think Israel has a hidden army far larger than they can imagine. I believe there are men and women all over the globe who are just itching to take up arms in this inevitable war.
Am I right, or what?
Well, in this case you're certainly right. I'd be off tomorrow, if only to fill sandbags or cook meals--I don't care.
But even at my age I can still fight, and very effectively. Why won't srael use us?
"Israel". typos....
Has the idea ever been seriously proposed to Israel? I doubt it.
Sign me up. I'm an engineer. I can work hard and I don't eat much.
Israel...I hope your listening...
Pas I think this is a post you should run for a while....I'll pick it up over at JERKDOVEHAWK
53yo ex navy corpsman software engineer - sign me up!
Yep, many of the people who, over the years, have commented to me that they would be willing to fight for Israel have been America ex-military.
Yeah, maybe I'll bump it up to the top again. I've asked some bigger bloggers to run it too. Let's see if they listen.
I'll add your blog to our blogroll.
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