Straight from the camel's mouth (Al-Islam.org):
The battle of Badr was the most important among the Islamic battles of Destiny. For the first time the followers of the new faith were put into a serious test. Had victory been the lot of the pagan army while the Islamic Forces were still at the beginning of their developments, the faith of Islam could have come to an end.
No one was aware of the importance of the outcome of the Battle as the Prophet (S.A.W.) himself.
At this battle in which the pagan army consisted of 950 fighters and 314 (including the Messenger S.A.W.), the Islamic defense was a combination of three defensive lines :
The personality of the Messenger, his leadership and his unequalled firmness. He (S.A.W.) was to the Muslims the final refuge at Badr and at every battle he attended.
The Hashmites (the clan of the Prophet S.A.W.), led by Ali Ibn Abu Talib (A.S.)who entered this battle relatively obscure and came out with unequalled military fame. His military performances became the popular subject of the Arab caravans conversations throughout the Arabic Peninsula.
The hundreds of companions of the Messenger whose hearts were filled with the faith and readiness for sacrifice. Many of them viewed matrydom to be a gain, equal to life and victory. These good companions were the army of Islam, its first line of defense and thick wall behind which the Messenger (S.A.W.) used to stand. Thet were the attackers and the defenders.
The Messsnger (S.A.W.) took a handful of gravel when the battle was extremely heated. He threw it at the faces of the pagans saying " May Your faces be disfigured. God, terrify their hearts and invalidated their feet. "
The pagans ran away, turning their faces to no one.
The Muslims went on killing them and taking prisoners. 70 pagans met their death, and the Muslims took from them 70 prisoners. History preserved in its records only fifth of the names out of the 70 pagan loses. Twenty [2] or twenty two [3] of them died at Ali's hand.
This battle laid the foundation of the Islamic State and made out of the Muslims a force to be reckoned with by the dwellers of the Arabic Peninsula.
Those "pagans" they refer to? That's us, Infidels.
When we celebrate Ramadan, we are celebrating our own defeat, and the dawn of the dark ages.
Does that sound like a reasonable thing to do?
The battle of Badr was the most important among the Islamic battles of Destiny. For the first time the followers of the new faith were put into a serious test. Had victory been the lot of the pagan army while the Islamic Forces were still at the beginning of their developments, the faith of Islam could have come to an end.
No one was aware of the importance of the outcome of the Battle as the Prophet (S.A.W.) himself.
At this battle in which the pagan army consisted of 950 fighters and 314 (including the Messenger S.A.W.), the Islamic defense was a combination of three defensive lines :
The personality of the Messenger, his leadership and his unequalled firmness. He (S.A.W.) was to the Muslims the final refuge at Badr and at every battle he attended.
The Hashmites (the clan of the Prophet S.A.W.), led by Ali Ibn Abu Talib (A.S.)who entered this battle relatively obscure and came out with unequalled military fame. His military performances became the popular subject of the Arab caravans conversations throughout the Arabic Peninsula.
The hundreds of companions of the Messenger whose hearts were filled with the faith and readiness for sacrifice. Many of them viewed matrydom to be a gain, equal to life and victory. These good companions were the army of Islam, its first line of defense and thick wall behind which the Messenger (S.A.W.) used to stand. Thet were the attackers and the defenders.
The Messsnger (S.A.W.) took a handful of gravel when the battle was extremely heated. He threw it at the faces of the pagans saying " May Your faces be disfigured. God, terrify their hearts and invalidated their feet. "
The pagans ran away, turning their faces to no one.
The Muslims went on killing them and taking prisoners. 70 pagans met their death, and the Muslims took from them 70 prisoners. History preserved in its records only fifth of the names out of the 70 pagan loses. Twenty [2] or twenty two [3] of them died at Ali's hand.
This battle laid the foundation of the Islamic State and made out of the Muslims a force to be reckoned with by the dwellers of the Arabic Peninsula.
Those "pagans" they refer to? That's us, Infidels.
When we celebrate Ramadan, we are celebrating our own defeat, and the dawn of the dark ages.
Does that sound like a reasonable thing to do?
I have three forms of security. My license to carry. The second is my Filipino brother-in-law who is trained in sword-making and fighting. The third is my best friend who is a Navy Seal.
My friends and family all know the situation I am in. We are all ready to kill if we have to do so.
I posted on this front-and-center this morning before I noticed this posting of yours. Yes, we are celebrating our own defeat, our own submission!
You put a link up about this yesterday and said you didn't have time to write about it, so I did it.
No harm in having it up twice.
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