I wish it had been a bug, but instead it was the intentional disabling of this site again by my hosting company LunarPages. I am no longer going to hide their part in the several times that the Anvil has gone offline unexpectedly. They outsource their support but claim that they do not. I am quite suspicious that what is described to me in nebulous emails from LunarPages as “script errors” that require blocking my site are simply transparent excuses made on the part of certain people that would much rather see this site off-line. LunarPages should be supportive of my blog for the very simple reason that I am a good customer and pay my bills and run a clean blog, but apparently that is not good enough anymore. Instead, I am expected to be bled dry for what little I might be able to afford in order to maintain a blog that has seen its traffic dwindle in no small part but as a result of such mischief as transpired earlier this week.
Between sites like Digg and my own hosting troubles, vicious personal attacks from religious zealots masquerading as anti-hate police and all the rest of the nuts that even have gone so far as to threaten my life, it can be of little wonder to anyone that is paying even scant attention that I am disgusted and no longer view this fight the same as I did a year ago.
Spanish Pundit.Hmm, yeah, this is what e-jihad means, looks like, then...
Excellent article on censorship as a weapon of jihad at:
This article is so good it deserves maximum publicity.
Foehammer's site is gone?
The surreality continues.
The blogosphere in on the firing line!
Yes, AOW, it has.
I have not been posting here for some time, because I do not have time enough. But this is easier than sending an email.
Anyone, who can post on this, please do it.
It's a real tragedy that fine sites like this get destroyed. This is no accident you can be sure.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
Chin up and continue to fight the beast.
I, and others, tried contacting Lunar Pages tech support at the email address given in their message. But all I got was some guff requiring me to prove that I was the owner of the site (which I obviously am not) in order to report a problem. This insulates Lunar Pages support staff from having to deal with multiple complaints if they have wrongfully taken down a site that is relied upon by a community of users.
So I went ahead and posted additional contact information for Add2Net, the parent company of Lunar Pages. Have at it, everyone!
FH's site is back up, but he doesn't know for how long. See FH's comment to his posting about Fred Thompson.
Thanks to all for the outpouring of concern. Email is flooding in this morning. One of the biggest annoyances when LunarPages switched off my site is that they also killed my email access and deliveries for my hosted addresses.
Should things go awry again, I may be reached at foehammers.anvil AT gmail. You can figure that out, I'm sure. :)
I'm doing my best to fix what isn't broken in order to keep my site alive, but as I stated to the LunarPages folks on the phone in very loud terms, when they give me no information to work with, I can't fix a problem. I wear so many hats as it is, and run my site completely alone, that my head spins even thinking that I might now also have to become a server admin.
However, if this is what it takes to keep the information that I have accumulated, the comments and articles, all alive, then so be it. I will become that and more.
Thank God I'm a chameleon.
All this starts after I declare that I'm going into "low gear" -- truly amazing when you consider that I have been watching my traffic steadily shrink for that past 4 months for any number of known and unknown reasons. Ah, the joys of blogging!
You maybe should look at shanje.net, I (and several customers of mine) have been using them for about 7 years without incident. Of course, I'm fairly certain I don't get the traffic that the Anvil gets, but they seem to have a solid operation, and very fast turn around for any support issues I have raised.
Join me on my blog.
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