Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Media: No Muslims Here - Just Us Chickens

From Dan Hicks at WND:

On Jan. 1, the world learned from major news sources that some churches and their occupants were burned in Kenya by Kenyans who didn't like the outcome of a recent election. Were these perhaps Methodists burning Baptist churches? Catholics burning Episcopalian churches? Incredibly, the accounts of online news sources didn't say, suggesting that religion played little or no role.

I checked out the first five search results on Google using the search terms: Kenya church burning. These turned out to be the sites of the International Herald Tribune, USA Today, MSNBC, BBC and Los Angeles Times. I found no hint as to who these church incendiaries were. Were they sectarians? Atheists? What were the issues?

Finally, I went to lesser-known sites and discovered that a Muslim link is suspected in the church burnings (although to their credit, Muslim clerics there are denouncing the act).
No one knows for sure, but here is what we do know.

Muslim-backed Raila Odinga lost the election; Christian leader Mwai Kibaki won. Now, nothing in Africa is ever cut-and-dried. Other issues are tribal conflicts, with Kibaki belonging to the Kikuyu and Odinga being of the Luo tribe. Odinga also is believed to lean more to the left. Both were raised Christian, although Odinga studied in East Germany, where he was certainly exposed to the atheistic teachings of communism. Odinga charges a rigged election, and European leaders have called for a new vote.

Why do the Muslims back the more left-leaning Odinga? Like leftists in Europe and America, Odinga and his faction want to use Islam to oppose Christianity, which is seen as an impediment to the left's agenda. Why Islam is not likewise seen as an impediment is really beyond me. The Soviet Union found out just how tenaciously Islamists fight the left when the chips are down. But never mind that for now.

What matters is that the mainstream press doesn't even suggest there was contention between the Muslims and Christians over this election, much less that religion was the main sore spot.
Now, why did these Western news sites omit the important detail that on-site observers suspect this to be a case of Muslim on Christian violence? And why did they omit the detail that Muslims have already recently perpetrated violence and murder against Christian leaders in Kenya?

Are all the mainstream news outlets trying to be "religion neutral" so that no one's religion looks bad? Perhaps the mainstream media are aware of the vital role religion plays in our daily lives and want to go easy on religion for that reason. I checked out this hypothesis by going to the MSNBC site and typing in the terms Catholic and sex abuse in their site search engine. I was able to find a seemingly endless series of articles on Catholics, mostly priests and nuns, who had committed sex abuse. I quit after the 150th article for lack of time. I realize that this is as much a reflection on the Catholic Church hierarchy as it is on the media, but we are not talking about the church here.

We are talking about objectivity and its dire lack in the media.

It seems pretty clear that the mainstream media have two reasons for omitting the details of the story:

1) They sympathize with Islam because it is the "enemy of the enemy," namely, Christianity.

2) They are cowards hoping to avoid a confrontation with Islam in their home countries.

At any rate, truth is the sacrificial lamb left on the altar of political correctness again.

1 comment:

Faultline USA said...

It would appear that this story is spreading throughout the blogosphere. Hopefully questions will be answered. See article and comments:

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