The group dubbed "Cities against Islamisation" was presented to the media in the northern Belgian city of Antwerp by

Filip Dewinter, head of the far-right Belgian party Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) along with Austrian FPOE leader Heinz-Christian Strace and Robert Spieler of the regionalist Alsace First group.
Parties from Britain (the British National Party), Denmark, Germany and Italy were also represented at the launch of the group which has a road-sign-style crossed-out mosque as its logo.
Vlaams Belang
Alsace First
Ok. I'm going to remember that list. and the fact that they doing concrete things in order to defend their culture.
Now, can you please state the concrete things you are doing?
How else can we value the significance of your support when we don't know what that support entails
Support for the BNP and what they do is support for holocaust denial.
Is that who YOU are?
Support for VB is support for white europe, is that what you want?
What I do, I do with money and time, and SOME OF IT OPPOSES THOSE RACIST, AND ANTI SEMITIC GROUPS. Their functioning and THOSE WHO SUPPORT THEM dilutes my money since I will fight them just as hard as Islamozoid freaks.
If you are BNP you are on the other side.
One thing we are doing is this blog.
Surely, you find it to be of use, or you wouldn't come here.
Epaminondas said...
"Support for the BNP and what they do is support for holocaust denial."
So how come the BNP is attracting Jewish people as members and supporters? See
When push eventually comes to shove, it will be the BNP who will save the British Jewish community from extermination by the Jihadists (remember the 'Rock and Tree hadith?). The major parties are 'slouching towards dhimmocracy':
"You cannot ever defeat a threat that you refuse even to call by its proper name.
This became painfully obvious this morning when the Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, delivered her first major speech on the government’s counter-terrorism strategy at a conference on ‘Radicalisation and Political Violence’, to launch the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence at King’s College, London. The speech was a frightening demonstration of intellectual and moral funk.
She said:
As so many Muslims in the UK and across the world have pointed out, there is nothing Islamic about the wish to terrorise, nothing Islamic about plotting pain, murder and grief. Indeed, if anything these actions are ‘anti-Islamic’.
This is demonstrably ridiculous. The campaign of terror being mounted against the free world is being perpetrated in the name of Islam, sanctioned and even mandated by leading Islamic scholars around the world, and rooted in Islamic theology — and in the history of violent jihadi conquest to which it gave rise that stretches back to the beginning of Islam in the seventh century"
By Melanie Phillips from http://www.spectator.co.uk/melaniephillips/454956/slouching-towards-dhimmocracy.thtml
Further to my previous comment, here is the 'Rock and Tree' hadith:
"PA Religious Leaders Call for Genocide of Jews
By Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
Palestinian Media Watch | Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Twice in three days, PA religious leaders have openly called for the genocide of Jews. Broadcast on official PA TV, both called for the murder of Jews until the Jewish people are annihilated. Both presented the killing of Jews not merely as the will of Allah, but also as a necessary stage in history that should be carried out now. To support these mandatory killings, both cited the same Hadith - Islamic tradition attributed to Mohammed - expressing Allah’s will that Muslims will kill Jews, before the “Hour” of Resurrection.
The words of the Hadith:
"The Hour [Resurrection] will not take place until the Muslims fight the Jews, and kill them. And the Jews will hide behind the rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, this is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!"
Numerous times in recent years Palestinian religious leaders and academics have taught publicly that this particular Hadith applies today. This teaching may well be a dominant motivating factor that drives terror against Israeli civilians, because it presents the killing of Jews as a religious obligation, not related to the conflict over borders, but as something inherent to Allah’s world."
from http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Read.aspx?GUID={0B687559-B469-4F4F-B307-ACEC42C3F5E4}
You are due a lot of respect because you contribute more than your share to this cause.
So, with all due respect, let me ask you when is the BNP going to get rid of the Holocaust deniers? And when are they going to get rid of Nick Griffin in particular?
Nick Griffin may have been a holocaust denier in his younger days - but he seems to have been quiet on that topic in recent years.
I wouldn't expect any shake-ups in the BNP until after the May elections.
"Considering the history of jews in England"
In comparison with Continental Europe there has been very little anti-Semitism in Britain in recent centuries (we had a Jewish Prime Minister in Victorian times) up to the present-day Mohammedan onslaught.
The only organised anti-Semitism between Cromwell allowing Jews into England and the modern Muslim invasion was Oswalds Moseley's blackshirts in the 1930's, who were not an indiginous British movement but a Nazi fifth column supported by Germany. Churchill had Moseley and his henchmen arrested for sedition when he took over as P.M. from Chamberlain.
Well, there you go, Europe is making its choices, isn't it?
You are aware that those choices are counter to the American ideology, aren't you? And, what do you think Americans are going to think when, here in the 21st century they, once again, see Europeans making choices they had said "Never Again" to.
Very sad.
Disraeli was NOT jewish, Najistani. Are you thinking of someone else?
I recommend to you Churchill and the Jews, by Sir Martin Gilbert
Even if the BNP were fascist, which I doubt, it it still preferable to Islam.
There can be a peaceful evolution out of Fascism, as demonstrated by Franco's Spain, Salazar's Portugal and the Colonels' Greece.
There is no peaceful road back from Islam. Once a country has become predominantly Muslim it will remain so.
Five or ten years' firm government by nationalist parties will be a price worth paying for solving Britain and Europe's Muslim problem.
BTW regarding 'American ideology' - which ideology - that of the KKK?
You said: "There can be a peaceful evolution out of Fascism, as demonstrated by Franco's Spain, Salazar's Portugal and the Colonels' Greece. There is no peaceful road back from Islam. Once a country has become predominantly Muslim it will remain so."
That is a good point, and the only one in the whole argument which I think holds any water. That is the position of one of the guys I do my radio show with.
Let me be clear, though, that that position does not justify the pyrotechnics of apologism for Ethnic Nationalism that we have seen in some of our allies.
If your left hand doesn't want to know what your right hand is doing, then at least have the decency to not try to turn your choice into a morality.
And, as for your point about the KKK, that comment does not live up to your normal level of reasoning ability. You know the KKK is not the government of the United States. If the Brits were to elect the BNP, then that is Britain.
That being said, the U.S. did have a KKK government pre-Civil War, and we did deal with the Native Americans by killing them.
So no, we're not perfect. And, I didn't mean to imply we were.
Najistani, I am going to say this as gently as I can...
The idea that you tried for FOIST the idea that Disraeli was jewish on this group with the definition you apparently used internally, is personally offensive to me. It is, I believe, disingenuous at best, and the R word at worst
Worse still...
"Even if the BNP were fascist, which I doubt, it is still preferable to Islam".
NOT TO ME. I am a bar of soap the minute the cattle car doors open on the system you want to create to save yourself, and would be INEVITABLE, as next on the big list of those who are DIFFERENT.
I oppose the BNP and all its works with all the fervor I oppose radical islam.
"Five or ten years' firm government by nationalist parties will be a price worth paying for solving Britain and Europe's Muslim problem."
Have you any idea who a fella named Ernst Hanfstaengl is? He believed WORD FOR WORD as you do
Epaminondas, here's an example of the need for firm government to control the Muslim problem:
(Note 'Asian' is a British euphemism for Muslim. These vermin aren't Tibetan monks or Thai restaurant workers ):
"POLICE are appealing for information after a woman was attacked while walking home after a night out in Nelson.
Between 10 p.m. and 10-30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 12th, the 31-year-old was walking home when she was the victim of a violent and unprovoked assault by four men.
Her injuries were serious and included cracked ribs, facial cuts and internal bleeding. The victim was hospitalised for several days and was severely traumatised.
Three of the offenders are described as Asian males wearing dark clothes, aged in their 20s, of slim build and average height. The fourth is also described as an Asian male in his early 30s, of large build, with short dark hair wearing spectacles and sporting a full beard.
Detective Constable Kim Bradshaw said: "This was a despicable and completely unprovoked attack on a lone female who was simply making her way home after a night out. I realise some time has passed since the attack but I would urge the public to get in touch with the police if they know anything at all about it. I would also ask the males involved to examine their own consciences and do the right thing by coming forward to explain their actions. I can be contacted directly on 01282 472190 or if anyone wants to remain anonymous they can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."
.... A TYPICAL example of 'street-jihad' which is happening all over Europe in Muslim-infested areas. The women was obviously identified as 'uncovered meat' or a 'dancing slag' and was attacked by these four brave jihadists. It is likely that the older one with the spectacles and full beard was the leader of the cell.
Note how the dhimmi police have asked the jihadists to come forward and explain their actions (by quotes from the Koran?).
Firm government would bring effective policing to these no-go areas
I don't really get why you would be angry with Najistani for thinking of Disraeli as Jewish. Here's the thing
1) being Jewish does have a racial component in most cases (most Jews are either Ashkenazi or Sephardic, and Ashkenazi Jews are simply Jews who moved to Europe and inter-married which made them more white looking).
2) if you were to convert to Christianity, would you really not continue to think of yourself as a Jew? Certainly, you would be aware that racists would still hate you for being a Jew, right?
People I know who are "Jewish enough for Hitler" are oftimes actuely aware of the fact, and because of their awareness they become more aware of the reality of anti-Semitism.
You and I have had a personal discussion on this issue in the past, and you certainly didn't reject what I had to say at that time.
The answer to islamist gangs is not 5-10 years of the SA to square things away.
But you seem to be sold on just exactly this idea.
Europe is going to suffer in the extreme and without much IF ANY sympathy here.
I cannot answer for the lack of police resolve, but if the national answer of Britain is the SA, then you will find an incredibly isolationist america where europe is concerned, and it was the excesses of Europe which created this force in america at the outset (1789), and which exerted itself powerfully right thru 1941
By the way, Epa, from what I know of Najistani, you and he would get along. I don't think the guy is a racist. For one, he's a white guy who is a Buddhist.
If he is a racist, he's a strange racist.
That being said, he does accept the BNP, and of course you and I think that is foolish. Certainly, as a white guy he doesn't have to worry much about the consequences.
As for me and my family, well, we do have to worry about the consequences, so I don't have much appreciation for his decision.
1) Arguable. My temple has MORE than several black families, and more than several asian families.
India had a susbtantial number of jews which defy that analysis as well. Synagogues in Mumbai are ancient. Diaspora.
Now you can argue ultimately it's a tribe GENETICALLY and while my DNA is like the DNA in the burial caves in Hebron, that's treading the path of a fellow named Kevin McDonald.
2) Absolutely 100% not. Likewise my son in law converted to judaism and NO ONE thinks of him as a catholic, and he would have been hauled off to Treblinka as well.
That there are those who might think of me as jewish if I converted to Shinto is to many jews, a FARCE. Being jewish is a system of belief. Having jewish parents is one way to inherit such a system, but if you don't believe the system and you don't bring your kids up jewish (William Cohen comes instantly to mind, as does the ugly Sec State of the time) you are NOT jewish.
Najistani is literally using the Nuremburg laws to define a jew.
That is offensive
It is instructive that a BNP supporter does this
Disraeli was no jew.
William Cohen is no jew.
Madeline Albright likewise.
You will find that MANY of those who think they are, have a problem. They innately believe to be jewish is a CHARACTERISTIC or set of them (something you inherit), NOT a belief.
It's not like being asian. Nothing I believe can make me asian.
Understand where I'm coming from?
I won't get into the Jewish thing, I personally went to school with Jews and had friends among them. As for the BNP, well maybe with Griffin out they would be more acceptable. This site explains the battle within. I agree with Najistani, better BNP than Islam, and as he says there is some going back that way.
As for the "Asian" rapes in the UK they are increasing at an alarming rate as part of Jihad. I blogged earlier in the week about an horrific case where they raped a 16 year old and poured caustic soda on her to destroy DNA evidence.
How much of this do we have to put up with before something is done about it or even before it is recognised for what it is?
Ray Boyd said "I blogged earlier in the week about an horrific case where they raped a 16 year old and poured caustic soda on her to destroy DNA evidence."
In actual fact I believe they poured cuastic soda INTO her to destroy the sperm containing the DNA evidence - that's why her injuries are so severe and permanent.
Allah f***ing Akhbar!!!
Ray Boyd said...
"As for the "Asian" rapes in the UK they are increasing at an alarming rate as part of Jihad."
Here's the Islamic theological justification of rape as a weapon of jihad:
"The ethnicity and the religion of Judaism, the traditional faith of the Jewish nation, are strongly interrelated, and converts to Judaism are both included and have been absorbed within the Jewish people throughout the millennia." - is IMHO internally contradictory
If two people marry and convert to judaism, are their children 'ethnically' jewish? What about if they convert back to something else?
Are William Cohen's children ethnically jewish (he's Methodist)? His children's children? (under Nuremberg laws the answer is yes. Under Orthodox and Conservative jewish law it's ABSOLUTELY no.)
There are even some jews who would claim Madeline Albright's children to be jewish NOMATTER WHAT following the females forever, but that's absurd.
Take a look at what Kevin McDonald from U Cal has to say. His ideas, very popular in some places, I find, are among the most reprehensible ever in this nation on genetics and ethnicity and jews. Maybe then when you add in what the Nuremberg laws defined and did, you get the flavor of why I believe what I do.
As for the rabbi, well, if you speak to 3 reformed rabbis, 3 conservative rabbi's and 3 orthodox rabbis, you will get 7 definitions of what a jew is. 3 from reformed, 3 from conservative and one from orthodox.
Norman Finkelstein, I believe, practices, and refers to himself as one. I would LIKE to be able to say he is no jew, but he acknowledges he is. That's tough to get around.
My son in law is certainly jewish, but no orthodox rabbi would ever agree.
Again, what I have found is that too many who believe you can inherit what it IS to be jewish REGARDLESS of your religion or heritage mean to convey some very negative things about a people's characteristics. That is rank racism. Unarguable. It is that quality which makes the characterization offensive. But then, it has been just precisely personal contact with the KKK, and Gulf Arabs who have convinced me of this.
Yeah, I don't understand your definition of Jew.
But, that doesn't matter much, because I'm not a Jew.
A jewish women and her husband running for BNP seats.
Kinda dents your theory Ep
What concerns me most is what are the conditions that have resulted in the BNP attaining its present status and are they actually calling for the establishment of nationalist government or are they focused on creating awareness of and resistance to the Islamists? Because if it is the former, what that tells me is that conditions in GB are even worse than I thought.
Ray and Najistani, tell us something of what you see and experience on a daily basis. I exoect it will equate with the experience of some Americans living in areas such as Dearborn, Michigan, with large Muslim populations, but I think few Americans have the sort of contact with this on a daily basis as you may have. What worries me is that the leadership of both European countries and the U.S. have abdicated on this issue so thoroughly that those awake and willing to fight are being marginalized to the extent that we begin overlapping with racism-tinged groups with whom we would normally not let ourseves become associated.
From my own experience I have the impression that ethnic Jewish identity is important to Jews and to enemies of Jews but less so to most outsiders. Growing up in a Jewish community, I certainly felt the emphasis was on the religion. While some Jewish organizations started out exclusive, most were agreeable to loosening the restrictions. Which is how an Irish Protestant kid like me ended up president of the Kuffarohabai (E, help me out with spelling here) Girls and going to dances in the basement of the local synagogue.
Here in the U.S. the problem is still widespread denial and ignorance. Obama Bin Lyin' has been able to captivate millions of Americans into ignoring, actually refusing to consider, his highly suspicious background and associations. Bush Derangement Syndrone is a way of life. Iraq is still an "endless war", most people can't find Afghanistan or Pakistan on a map, "recession" is becoming the new election year bogeyman, America is evil and not worth saving because look what we did to the Indians/polar bears/Japanese/slaves/gays/gay Japanese slaves, whatever, and Obama offers Hope and Change. And no, they are not going to bother to spend time on the internet to check out Obama's many bogus claims in his books.
I don't see the KKK and other such groups as a major threat in this area. Seems like their perspective would be what's wrong with religious guys who want to kill Jews, duh? Some of the less tightly wrapped far right wingers are wandering into "it's our fault because we're so Decadent" swamp and assorted conspiracy dead ends. Other than the bloggers and some elements of the Christian Right, I have no idea who will publicly pick up the banner, but i doubt it would be David Duke. Not when he's still taking Denial course over in Tehran.
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