Monday, January 14, 2008

Update on Bacon & Wine Policeman

Further to the previous posting by pastorius there is now more information courtesy of the Daily Mail. It seems that the policeman concerned was not offended and he said this:

"I told her I knew it was meant as a joke and did not want to make a formal complaint. I just took it on the chin. But someone else in the room must have thought it was a racist incident, and reported it."

My point is if the object of a joke or insult chooses not to be offended then should that not be the end of the matter? What right has someone else to be offended when they are not the subject of the joke/insult. If "someone" calls me an "infidel pig" and I am not offended for whatever reason but some body else overhears the insult and reports that "someone", surely there is no case to answer.

It seems to me to be a case of PC well over the top and "out of it's box". Read the whole story here.

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