Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Five Solutions

Those who adhere to the Islamofascist ideology have made it clear that they are war with the Western way of life. They use many means to defeat us. They use Violent Jihad, Legal Jihad, cultural Jihad, Academic Jihad, Demographic Jihad, and many other forms of Jihad, to see that the power of Islam increases, and the power of Western Civlization decreases.

There is no living with Islamofascism. There is no compromising with Islamofascism. The Islamofascist ideology calls for women to be treated as half-citizens, for non-Muslims to be relegated to second-class citizen status or put to death, for homosexuals, adulterers, and apostates to be killed, and the scientific method to be abolished.

This Islamofascist ideology is supported by the Holy texts of Islam, the Koran, and the Hadith. Therefore, it does us no good to argue that the Islamofascist ideology is not the true Islam.

Any compromise with the Islamofascist ideology is a ringing of the death knell of Western Civilization.

Therefore, I can see only five possible scenarios by which the West can avoid ever-increasing

1) A Reformation of Islam

2) Mass expulsion of Muslims from the West, and a complete seperation from the Islamic world (which would require a new non oil-dependent economy in the Western world).

3) Nuclear War wiping out Islamic nations

4) Mutually Assured Destruction as a policy against the Islamic world, combined with an outlawing of the preaching of Sharia law within Western nations (it being punishable by death as an act of sedition)

5) a return to real old-fashioned Colonialism - where we would invade their nations, take over their industries and administer them for our own profit

I believe there are major flaws in all five of these solutions, but I do have my favorite.

Are there any other solutions? What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Western occupation and ethnic cleansing of the oil-fields and necessary transport corridors (only a tiny fraction of the land areas of Dar al-Islam), with a new iron curtain built around the rest of the Islamic world and all Muslims in the west deported.


Nuking Mecca and with vaporization of the Kaaba and its meteorite. This would show the Muslims that Allah wasn't very Akhbar.

Anonymous said...

Option #2 for and #3: Nuke'em

Pastorius said...

Nuking the Islamic world does not seem like the best decision to me.

Making a law that designates the preaching of Sharia law the equivalent of sedition does seem valid to me. Many Muslims would choose expulsion over a lifetime in jail, or the death penalty.

And many others would choose another way of life other than Sharia.

Anonymous said...

I have always thought the idea a MAD type policy against Mecca and Medina makes good sence - as the only thing the followers of Isalm understand is force and the willingness to use it.