Geert Wilders new film is being attacked as a hatecrime by anonymous critics who have convinced his webhost, Network Solutions, to take the site down before the film has even been aired.
I guess he is guilty of "Pre-Crime."
Remember this; religion, business, and government are institutions of power in society. As such, they MUST be criticized.
If we are not allowed to criticize a seminal center of power like religion, then we are left helpless when religion becomes fascistic.
This is about more than Islam, or Wilders movie. This is our Freedom.
If Network Solutions will not play by the rules of Western Civilization, then Network Solutions should be taken down.
If you would like to contact Network Soltutions, click on this link.
I wrote them this comment:
How dare you people shut down the Fitna website.
Don't you peolpe understand the importance of Free Speech and the need to stand up to Islamic threats,.
You are cowards. You have a responsiblity to defend our culture and instead you scuumb to the threats of people who would destroy the ecoomic system on which you depend.
I am referring this to my US Congressional Rep to see what sorts of protections Congress may have to enact to prevent companies like yours from censoring speech that desperately needs to be protected.
Great, thanks.
It is their server, their rules do apply. The whole idea of the private ownership of the internet is based on that. I think that they should not have pulled the site, but it is their right.
I repeat, I think they are wrong in this case, but I don't want the government, US or other wise, getting into the business of telling me, or my hosting company what they can or can not publish. Think about it. Do your really want this congress writing rules about what can or can not be on a web site?
I, personally, would never have used Network Solutions for a web site, but that's just because I know them and I know they will do stuff like this. I think that their pulling the web site was the wrong thing to do. I will vote by never using their hosting company or any of their other services.
Now, if they, as the holder of the TLD master NDS records start messing with his DNS entries after he moves it off to another, more sane provider, that's a whole other issue.
How could you agree with them? He hasn't even published the film yet. So just what is the violation?
By the way.. this issue is more than a property rights, free association issue.
The social contract never took into account a systematic relentless movement by Muslims to silence critics anywhere they are found.
Our society is under assult on all fronts. The challenges we face will require all our principles to be reexamined so that we can protect our way of life effectively.
Blind adherence to the way things were is exactly teh sort of response our enemies are expecting from us. I dont want to be their chumps.
It is, repeat, is a property right issue. Care to tell me how it can be any thing else?
Free speech is also the right to NOT say something.
I think the Network Solution made the wrong choice. I would not have made the choice they made, I do not agree with them.
On the other hand I do under stand both property rights and what free speech really means. They own the server, they can do what ever they want. And as I said before, I would not, and will not use Network Solutions for any of my projects. I would not recommend them to any one. In fact I go out of my way to tell people not to use them. This is just the latest in a long series of screw ups by NetSol.
That being said, property rights are and must be the basis of free western society.
And in addition to the last post, my apologies in advance for this one. It's 3:48am EST so the rant continues...
Network Solutions has made a CR-P name for themselves. First, they waited until the very last moment to back out which is a matter of a lack of responsibility - not to mention just plain cowards. And let's not forget to mention, the results of which is enabling free speech to be stifled by The Walking Satans on Earth!
Also, I suggest someone find out if Network Solutions host those more 'permitted' sites such as: "Kill the Jew" or "Behead those that insult Islam".
I know the answers to these questions as well as you do - but here it is anyway!
When will this Islamic threat stop? Where is the beginning of The Resistance? Who will be the first to start protecting our Western values? Is there anyone left who has the guts or believes that what we have is worth protecting?
Well... Perhaps this may work: I'm going to find a nice cozy spot in Saudi Arabia, move there and then claim it's mine. Soon after I will start killing the neighbors (and anyone else that comes to mind); claim that the land is OCCUPIED by those "non-believers" - after all - they don't agree with my 'Eat Steak with a Spoon 'Till you Burst' religion - so they must die. This can go on for years, and all that lying that I do - well, it's just makes things better. I'll have droves of people that MAKE MOVIES on my side! I'll get to meet them too. Soon, the whole world will start begging me to be nice to Saudi Arabia and their ugly unbelievers! They'll beg me to just stop killing for a moment and at the same time they'll line my pockets with Billions of dollars from the taxpayers, but I won't stop killing - NOT A CHANCE! I'll just start killing in more horrible ways, that way they'll give me more money - more legitimacy and make me even more famous. Anyway, I live to kill. I love to kill! When I'm bored at our 'Eat steak with a spoon' sermons each week, it just makes me more excited to see blood! In fact, now that I think about it, I think I'll have to hire a TEAM of squatters to assist me in rape, murder and stealing whole countries from others. Yep. It's a PLAN, and the many in the world will Love me. I love the attention. Ok, ok, I love the blood too.
SHEESH. Too bad it's not just a bad movie.
Network solutions is hosting the Hizbolla site
Perhaps we should all be not just emailing Network-Solutions, but featuring them in the posting headers of posts so their bots can find the posts lickety split.
Mike Looney,
Your point is good until you consider the other points:
1) Network Solutions backing out just days before the release of Mr. Wilders movie impacts his ability to do business. They gave him no warning, no ability to change his strategy, they just took his information off the internet.
2) If he were to have posted his information via another web server, the same kind of random abuse could happen. Michelle Malkin has had videos taken down off YouTube for criticizing YouTube's policy of taking counter-Jihad videos down. Did you know that? Of course, YouTube has the right, don't they? But, they also have the right, and they exercise it freely, to run videoes which glorify Jihadis attacking U.S. troops. YouTube has no problem with that, but they have a problem with Michelle Malkin criticizing them. Are you starting to see a problem here?
3) Network Solutions, and other webhosts are companies which citizens must use in order to send information over the internet. We must buy a domain name, and have our information hosted on some server. Yes, we, as consumers, can take over part of the deal. We can buy our own servers. But, you still must buy the domain name, and Network Solutions is one of the companies which is in the business of selling the domain names. I think this whole process needs to be re-examined. The internet is supposed to be free. Is it going to be free, or are companies like Google/YouTube and Network Solutions going to continually be allowed to interfere with the free flow of ideas? If a company is in the business of selling a service which MUST be used, and which the individual citizen can not avoid (the buying of domain names, or ISP), then I think they ought not be able to interfere at all.
This is the first time I have ever considered the question. I'm guessing I'm not being completely clear in my argument.
How about ;) this solution that Geert Wilders new film would be published in http://kavkaz.fi and http://kavkaz.fi/ru pages in Finland?
This way could be easily said: Human rights are the main issue whether it is in criticsim towards islam`s horrors or Russian occupation in Finland`s and Chesnyan territories?
Seppo Lehto Tampere
Muhammed caricatyrist
Suomi - Finland - Finlande - Finnland
Susanna, my compliments on an excellent rant.
Epam, my brain is fried from too much Vista, Best Buy, and Geek Squad. They are not kidding about the "geek" part. My email is oceanfloor1@msn.com. Give a holler and let me know what yours is. Hope you had a great visit, wasn't it gorgeous here yesterday?
Welcome, Seppo.
When Borders made the decision not to stock th issue of The New Individualist featuring the MoDaBomb cartoon on its cover, they claimed that safety considerations overruled their commitment to free speech. They never specified the the safety conditions ("Fanatic Muslims have torched businesses and killed people over similar so-called insults!" would have been acceptable) let alone denounced such behavior. (At least they refrained from denouncing TIA.) Their HQ is in Ann Arbor, just down the road from Dearbornistan, and as anyone who has been watching the financial news the past few days will know, they are focused on keeping the company afloat.
I think it was Ezra Levant (like I said my brain is fried) who said that while publishers (and booksellers and servers and the like) are in business to make money, sometimes an issue arises that threatens the basic assumptions of free speech on which such business is founded. Companies can then choose to take a stand or to back down, make excuses, cover their asse(t)s and look the other way. Companies such as NetSol and Borders are a long way from perceiving that the conditions of civilization that support the very existence of their businesses are being threatened. They treat radical Islamists like some hooligans who will go away if they just don't provoke them. The jack-booted stormtroopers will literally have to kick down the doors and smash the presses before these people get the point. By then it will be too late. (The jihadist scenario would be a coordinated attack on news centers. Run around Midtown NYC, Atlanta,Chicago and LA for 15 minutes and take out ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and FOX.)
When people running these companies think about this at all, they imagine the impact on their mortgage and car payments, their kids orthodonty, college tuition, etc. They don't imagine the very foundation of their profession wiped out. They don't imagine themselves hanging out the window of a 100-storey building facing the choice between jump or burn. Even in NYC, they keep feeding the crocodile. If it eats them last, they win.
Revere Rides Again,
Well put.
You are the Infidel Quote of the Day (on the sidebar).
Seems like a good idea. However, as I don't speak the language, I don't understand the content of the site.
Thanks muchly, Pastorius. Always glad to be the Infidel anything of the day!
I wrote them this morning, and GARRY002 from Network Solutions told me that my request is kindly forwarded to appropriate department.
I'm following the story in my blog and I will post NS reply when (and if ) I receive it.
None of us should be surprised at this development.
I repeat...
2008 is the Year of Silencing Voices.
Even some libs on reddit where I posted the link to my article agree that what NS did was nasty...I was surprised to see this reaction.
Well, I'm still waiting for response from NS employee 003, or 004, or 007...
I am becoming more and more convinced everyday that your average lib is not at all unaware of the problems we face. They have opposed the war in Iraq, and perhaps even war in general, and they hate Bush, but that does not equate to ignorance. We may disagree with their policy proposals, and they with ours, but that doesn't always mean they are stupid.
For instance, there are few countries who have opposed us more than France. However, France, in many ways, has had the strongest reaction towards Jihadism of any country in the Western world.
They believe our response ought to be a "police action". That does not mean they believe their is no problem.
Anyway, I don't like the approach of most Libs, but I have to give them credit where it is due. And, I will say this, that if they do gain power, the power will force them to take responsibility for this problem. That won't be all good, but it won't be all bad either.
Now, back to the problem at hand.
Perhaps it is time for regime change at Network Solutions.
Pastorius, I completely agree with you on the "Left" and "Liberals". They are definitely not stupid. Many of them (not all) have a distorted view of reality and they think that the rest of the world should run by the rules that we in the Western and pro-Western societies live by.
I would be more than happy if the entire world shared our values (yes, our - common to us and to our Left-Liberal friends), but unfortunately it is not so and this is the main point that they (the liberals) fail to comprehend.
Pastorius-I reposted this on my site(proper attribution)silencing the voices is the tactic of those who know they don't have a leg to stand on, and that what they believe is indefensible.
Truth needs no defense beyond proclamation, lies require the boot and fist to be swallowed!
Alot of people have yet to realize that it's "We Against Them" and at the end of the day one will have to decide on which side of the fence he is. It's completely insane and stupid for a western/european citizen to take the opposite side, protecting their rights and peace of mind while they don't do the same to us. I wanna see one islamist website shut down by its hosting company for spreading hateful messages.
Alot of people have yet to understand that with islam fanatics you cannot deal through the principles of a civilized world, it just doesn't work, it's like bringing a knife to a gun fight.
Some muslims claim Islam to be a peacful religion.
I didn't read Koran, but the very history of spreading Islam belief in the Arabian peninsula makes me doubt their claims.
And you just notice how cartoons, mere drawings, make them nervous. How nervous should we be then, if they threaten us not with cartoons (maybe cartoons too, although we don't fall for it, we're not them) but with weaponry and terrorist attacs?
I wish they direct their zealous ardency, in all those angry demonstrations, against their governments which keep them in poverty and human rights deprivation.
Despite some antisemitic sentimens still existing among europeans, it's time to get untited with Jews and Israel against islamists, cause this is who the real threat is. Jews have always been a factitious threat, which nobody has ever suffered from.
Like antisemitists always were and are saying that Jews control everything, regarding Network Solutions I would assume these are actually controlled by the islamists.
This is what I have sent ti Network Solutions
I'd like to express serious concerns about your providing service to the cited domain name (namely hizbollah.org).
Whether it is a domain name registration service, webhosting service or both, please be aware that by providing service to this domain you are assisting an internationally recognized terrorist organisation.
The belonging of this domain is clearly reflected in the website published contents.
I strongly call you to consider taking this domain offline.
Recently a domain named
fitnathemovie.com registered with you has been shut down, therefore I, as a member of a society, would expect from you at least a small degree of consistency in shutting down websites.
Please consider my message regarding the domain hizbollah.com an official complaint."
Thanks, Bayan.
I left this comment at Jihad Watch. This has all been a hoax?!?
It seems we have all -- I mean the whole world -- been had. According to the two sites below, including the makers of the movie -- there is no Fitna movie. It was all a hoax to expose Islamic intolerance and appeasement of them. Read them yourself.
Am I missing something?!?!?
ok, midnight rider, who knows for sure?
how do u know that it's not fitnathemovie.co.uk which is hoax?
but if it's true i'm not mad at all, i can nothing but laugh
by saying islamic intolerance did you mean intolerance of mulsims or towards them?
if it helped to expose intolerance towards them i see it as a good, cause they (in majority)haven't been tolerant to western values either, while West was hiding behind political correctness and slobbery liberalism towards them, the enemy, which is ruthless by the way.
another good it has brought, i have audacity to believe, is taking hizbollah.org offline by our collective pressure to the hosting/registration company
here's the response from the Network Solutions, to my message:
"Subject: Network Solutions
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 14:50:45 +0800
From: "Network Solutions" customerservice@networksolutions.com
To: Bayan
Thank you for contacting Network Solutions. We are committed to creating the best customer experience possible. One of the first ways we can demonstrate our commitment to this goal is to quickly and efficiently handle your recent request.
With regard to your concern, please know that the Web site of the domain name HIZBOLLAH.ORG is currently offline.
Please do not respond to this E-mail. If you have any additional questions, you can reach us via e-mail by completing our online form at http://www.networksolutions.com/en_US/help/service-request.jhtml or by phone at 1-888-642-9675 and provide Service Request # 1-333418444.
Thank you for choosing Network Solutions.
Network Solutions Technical Support Specialist
© Copyright 2008 Network Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. "
hizbollah.org is indeed offline at the moment i compose this message.
Now, if we all been had, should i request reinstating Hizbollah website? What do you think?
Just one observation
the muslims got enraged by the cartoons mocking Muhammad, i ask how do they know it is Muhammad or Muhammad the prophet?
Islam forbids depicting live creatures, let alone the prophet, so not only they commit sin (according to islamic creed) by looking at those cartoons, they take upon themselves a very serious and heavy responsibility of deciding that the golliwog they see on those cartoons is actually their prophet Muhammad.
i think they should commit suicide after that. how dared they even imagine that their beloved prophet could look like this?
Sometimes, blashphemy and idolatry can come in audio-form. For instance, last week a dog calling himself the Prophet Mohammed Doo was interview on this radio show (sixteen minutes in):
some more informative links
woah! it's getting more ridiculous err day for real
before long we will be asking for permission or approval from muslims to get baptized or even to go take a piss, and afterwards be afraid that our stream isn't fidel enough and may offend muslims religious feelings, being a lil off to one side
ain't they way too loud?
just read this circus
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