Ashley Dupre.
First, we all owe her a debt of gratitude for relieving us of that tool Eliot Spitzer. His life is really ruined, isn't it? Now, everybody knows he was asking to do his wire transfer into her offshore account without a condom. This is what happens when Eliot thinks with his Spitzer.
Second, you gotta admit, this girl could ruin your life too, couldn't she?
We can all believe we're too moral to make the mistake, but if this chick is your cup of Bathsheba (and, she is mine), then down you go. Down, down, down, to drown the dregs.
Well, Eliot ought to get down on his knees and thank the Constitution that he doesn't live in a Sharia state, where they put people to death for adultery.
What? Oh yeah, that's right. In a Sharia state, they'd only put HER to death.
Eliot might be ok with that, but I find that a reason to not give a shit about the Eliot Spitzer's of the world, and instead, to concentrate on making sure all the Jihadis disappear from the face of the Earth.
The way the media is putting her identity out there - implying that she is responsible for taking Spitzer down (no pun intended) is ridiculous. He alone is responsible for the demise of his career. The putz (pun intended) had it coming.
There's a saying that goes something like - theres no such thing as bad publicity.
I hope all this attention helps this gal rake in multiple competitive offer$$ for her 'story' and her 'music'.
Allah be praised! When I heard of the wonderful deeds this little trollop had committed for her State and her country...I fell to my knees and prayed that she would be honoured as an Infidel Babe!
Inshallah, someday she will be honoured with a postage stamp or a centerfold also.
(This young and blessed lady managed to rid New York and the Nation of one of the most despicable members of the "Bonnie & Clyde Co-Presidency" inner circle.....she deserves respect! And as usual, I am very serious!)
But, will you respect her in the morning?
By the way, Michael, we'll be doing the IBA Radio Show tonight. We're interviewing John Press author of Culturism.
We'll also be interviewing Mohammed Doo about why Muslims pray five times a day, and why they like to do it on the rug.
Hope you like it.
Can the Kuffarim call in for advice? I hope so...we have so many questions and so few answers.
Sure, call in. Mohammed will be calling in. Maybe you and he could talk.
Shukran....I have a problem with my new bride and I would be honoured if Mo' would assist me.
Asalaam Allahhambone,
5,500? For that?
No way no day.
I don't care if she can suck a bowling ball thru a garden hose ... not happening.
Now if she can sing Hail to the Chief while.....
Or, if she can sing that song by the Crash Test Dummies:
Yeah, that oughta do the job.
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