Sunday, March 16, 2008

Jeremiah Wright, Obama (The Messiah) and Some Very Gullible Historians

I eagerly await the spin...

Not to long ago many of the nation's leading historians signed their 500 word manifesto: "Historians for Obama." Obama claims he knew nothing of his "spiritual advisor's" repugnant and insane views until just last week. Obama has declared war on American producers and wants our sovereignty surrendered to the U.N. Michelle Obama has had no reason to feel pride in her country for her entire adult life. Obama had no problem accepting support from convicted terrorists. Then there are Obama's patriotism issues. And there is old-fashioned Chicago Machine politics corruption ala Tony Rezko. I wonder how many other friends and mentors Obama is going to have to disown in the rest of the campaign.

It is hard to understand how trained academics who are supposed to exercise a little reasonable skepticism could be taken in by a vacuous windbag with such unsavory company. But they were. Perhaps Wright's rhetoric, and Obama's knowledge of it, is something the "liberal" historians will either find not worth commenting on or something to just excuse away. Maybe for those academic historians on the left-wing fringe it won't be a problem at all. Or, they may feel the need to invite Jeremiah Wright to campus to give a speech on "chickens coming home to roost" on 9/11/01.

Update: The "liberal" historians, demonstrating their openness to contrary ideas, have blocked me from commenting over at History News Network. Of course by their own rules of conduct, I have done nothing to merit such treatment, except for disagreeing with the "liberal" zeitgeist.

Crossposted at The Dougout


Pastorius said...

The Leftist hold on Academia is almost Monolithic.

Anonymous said...

More here:

Pastorius said...


Tina, the above commenter is from a site called the Acropolis Review which is distributing Obama Propaganda.

She is not someone who came to this site to read our site, or to analyze, or dissect our site. She is someone who is pre-disposed to disagree with us, and would never read what we write.

Therefore, I can only conclude that she is googling references to Obama and distributing her propaganda at as many sites as she can.

The link she provided has a video which her site claims Obama wants everyone to see.

I'm leaving her comment up ONLY because it is evidence of the incredible organization of the Obama campaign.

If anyone from her site comes back here (which I seriously doubt) then here's my statement to them:

Fuck you and your racist candidate. Fuck you for lying to yourselves. And please, please, please do not have children.

Representative Press said...

Send this video to others: Shame On Joe Scarborough, MSM & Obama the way they reacted to Rev. Wright's 9/11 sermon Part 1
The American people don"t deserve to be manipulated and lied to

Pastorius said...

"Tom" is more of the same, only from a slightly different direction. Tom is espousing a conspiracy theory about the WTC attack.

Obama's campaign is clearly surrounded by nuts.