Sunday, March 23, 2008

'Moderate' Makeover...

...of an Extreme religion.

Islam is teaching us every day about what it actually is through the behavior of its most devout followers.

One problem for ‘Moderate Muslims' is that they're referred to as 'Moderate Muslims', so as to distance themselves from their normatively extreme religion and from immoderate Muslims such as Mohammad. It is the specter of Mohammad that looms over individual Muslims' fanciful ideas about their own religion.

We must understand the nature of the man behind Islam to know what Islam means.

Mohammad, the self-styled ‘prophet’, was a Killer. Not metaphorically, but literally. Mohammad actually committed the violence that the Koran preaches, and even had his critics killed. I don't give a rat's ass what out of context 'good' he may have done in light of this historical fact. Once a belief system sanctions violence against All those who are not under its control, any pretext at virtue is just that.

That Mohammad is seen as The Perfect Model for All of Mankind according to Islam makes matters even worse and transfigures his thuggery, in the minds of the submitted. And this Jihad that Mohammad began when he lost faith in his ability to spread Islam through the word, this call to arms against the entire non-Muslim world, had no expiration date. Jihad is an Eternal standing order for Muslims to wage a holy war against non-Muslims UNTIL All of mankind are Allah’s slaves.

Not only do most Muslims ignore this call to jihad, a good thing, but then they lie to us about it or pretend that it doesn't exist, and our desire to join them in this pretense tells them that they can continue to sit on their asses in silent neutrality as the world burns in the name of Islam, a religion they purport to adhere to. The Muslim 'moderates' don't have Islam on their side, which is why they're Islamically impotent to fight the jihadists and don't even attempt to. So instead, they can indulge in their own private Islam that has nothing to do with Islam and pretend that their prophet was not a malevolent man.

© 2007 Bosch Fawstin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said - good post. Moderate muslim are impotent against radical muslims. Moderate muslims only exist in non-islam dominated societies -- at least that's the only societies they can speak up and claim they are moderate without being murdered. In islam dominated countries, the koran is taken literally, not spiritually, and they are filled with violence and hatred against all others who do not fully agree with them.