Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Obama On How To Talk To White People

From Judith Ann Klinghoffter:

In the good, old tradition of revolutionaries, Obama hides in plain print. So, before listening to his speech, it's worth while to note the following passages from his autobiography.

On p. 94-95 he describes an effective tactic to deal with White people:

It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned:
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no
sudden moves. They were more than satisfied; they were relieved - such a
pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry
all the time.

Indeed, when he was a community organizer (age 22 prior to going to law school) he happily cooperated with Rafiq, a former gangster turned Nation of Islam. He even believed that Black Nationalism was a good therapy for Blacks. That was also the reason he supported Wright (pp. 190-200). For he shares Michelle's sentiments of alienation, came to believe that race should trump everything and it should be anti-white:

. . . :all the black people who, it turned out, shared with me a voice that
whispered inside them - "You don't really belong here."

In a sense, then, Rafiq was right when he insisted that, deep down, all
blacks were potential Nationalists. The anger was there, bottled up and often
turned inward. And . . . I wondered whether, for now at least, Rafiq wasn't also
right in preferring that that anger be redirected; whether a black politics that
suppressed rage towards white generally, or one that failed to elevate race
loyally above all else, was a politics inadequate to the task.

It was a painful thought to consider, as painful now as it has been
years ago. it contradicted the morality my mother had taught me, a morality of
subtle distinctions- between individuals of goodwill and those who wished me
ill, between active malice and ignorance of indifference. I has a personal stake
in that moral framework; I'd discovered that I couldn't escape it if I tried.
And yet perhaps it was a framework that blacks in this country could no longer
afford; perhaps it weakened black resolve, encouraged confusion within the
ranks. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and for many blacks, times
were chronically desperate. If nationalism could create a strong and effective
insularity, deliver on its promise of self respect, then the hurt it might cause
well-meaning whites, of the inner turmoil it caused people like me, would be of
little consequence.

If nationalism could deliver. As it turned out, questions of
effectiveness, and not sentiment, cause most of my quarrels with Rafiq.

In other words, Barack was willing to sacrifice his mother and his grandparents on the alter of black nationalism. His sentiments were in lime with those of Rafiq, the Nation of Islam activist. That is the reason he chose a black nationalist church run by "Reverend Wright" who explained to him (p.284):

"Life's not safe for a black man in this country, Barack. Never has been. Probably never will be."
Sorry, guys, but there is nothing post racial about Barack. He has merely learned that it is advantageous to convince whites that he is.
Pastorius note: Just to keep some perspective here, let's face it, Hilary Clinton is a Female Nationalist:


Christine said...

Like I've been saying, Obama is the epitome of the two-faced black man.

Know's how to play the game and smooth talk the man.

With his gift for gab and ability to calm the masses, he was chosen well to be the first to run for president.

Obama for vice-president under Clinton? Ain't happenin'.

Pastorius said...

As two-faced as he may be, the question is, how will he actually lead?

The other question is, will his leadership be appreciably worse than that of McCain or Clinton?

To tell you the truth, I'm not sure of that.

I think all three are full of shit, so I have almost no confidence that anything I hear from them is the truth.

McCain lies about his support of the border fence. In fact, his lies about the border fence are more bald, insulting, and potentially dangerous, than Hilary's female nationalism, or Obama's Black Nationalism.

Epaminondas said...

And there it is....

"I have almost no confidence"

That is the heart of the problem(S) we face as a people right now.

How the HELL could McCain have accepted and NOT RETURNED the money from a group like the JEHT foundation, which clearly wants to try Americans as war criminals via special circumstances, and use foreign courts and THEIR way of living thinking and being as precedent in American courts?

In what way is this not as STUPIDLY "progressive" as the worst of the democratic left could want?

Christine said...

Obama's wasn't chosen for his ability to lead. He was chosen for his ability to convince. The leading part is expected to come, after he wins, with the help, of his helpers.

This presidential election is the worst in my life.

I only chose McCain, because of his attitude about the war.

After learning yesterday about his ties, I don't know about him being, better.

I'm in the presidential black hole at the moment.

Pastorius said...

I don't think George Bush has really ever acted as if he is in charge of the White House either, do you?

Obama does not seem like he would be the first President who is second in command.

For that matter, neither Bush seemed to have any vision on what they wanted to do as President.

Pastorius said...

Thanks again for digging up that info on the JEHT Foundation.

Problem is, it leaves us with little hope. So yeah, thanks for giving us the information that we have little hope.


But, I never thought highly of McCain anyway. My radio co-host and I had joked about endorsing Obama.

Why the fuck not?

Pastorius said...

At least with Obama, we could be pretty much assured all the cards would be laid out on the table, and we could see where we're at.

I'm thinking, by the way, that we ought to have bumper stickers made up that say,

"I'm voting for Obama because he promised to bomb Pakistan."