Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Rep Steve King is so stupid he has no idea when to STFU

It has nothing to do with Obama's name.

It has to do with his PARTY.

Steve King embarrassingly R of Iowa, said both that if Obama was elected muslims radicals (and therefore terrorists) would celebrate, and that it like it or not has to do with Obama's middle name.

What a moron!

soros_us_anti_justice.jpgThe radicals, 'activists', 'militants', killers, Islamic absolutists and fundamentalists will celebrate and it has to do with the left of that party, clearly represented by George 'America is the obstacle to justice in this world' Soros (who thinks the USA making war on these terrorists is a mistake), which has adopted the change mantra, and identifies that change in the mind of the public with a NOW mythical failure in war in Iraq.

It has to do with Mr. Obama's well accepted idea to leave success on both the political, and military battlefield in Iraq, and damage the security of the PEOPLE of the USA.

It has to do with as Levin and Obama feel, eliminating a NOW successful anti missile defense program.

It has to do with the belief that there IS such a thing as Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, but not in Somalia (1996), Yemen (1996), KSA (1996), Sudan, (90's), Kuwait, Pakistan, and certainly since 2003, Iraq, or that there is difference between ANY of these groups and Hassan "Israel is but a battalion of American" Nasrallah's Hizballah.

Thumbnail image for nasral_us.jpg
But Mr. King, who should be REPUDIATED LOUDLY, may have damaged as off limits the idea that the DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL PARTY, AND ITS LEADERS have selected as policy, one which will absolutely find laudatory praise from Ayman Al Zawalhiri, the Taliban, HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, Qaradawi, Tantawi, the Committees for Resistance, the Muslim Brotherhood (everywhere), and Hizballah. I would submit that between the people of the USA and those kind of people, we have zero sum game. If they like it, you can bet it's bad for the people of the USA.

Mr. Lieberman, we have a job for you.
A righteous job.
Take these people apart.


Anonymous said...

E, I think you are right that it is the Party. But it is also Obama. The point isn't that Obama gets a free pass because he is (1/4) black. He gets a free pass because he is Obama. There is a pseudo-religious, mystical, "numinous black" (as Jonah Goldberg and others have observed), political messiah element to his candidacy that steamrolls over all rational criticism. If Obama were a pro-America, conservative, free-market, anti-jihad candidate then his middle name would mean absolutely nothing. The reality would make it irrelevant. But here and now it is symptom of something much deeper and more insidious. Hillary Clinton also represents the rot at the core of the Democratic Party, but the Obama phenomenon has sprinted past her and far ahead. Obama is the shadow of the Caliphate touching the edges of the American political process. He is not merely the specific policies, he is the spirit and soul of the nightmare Change. Pointing to his protected status as a black candidate, as Steve King does, draws attention away from the real danger and focuses it on the political straw man of racism. This is why I oppose treating the Obama candidacy as the normal evolution of American politics to include a black candidate. That is completely irrelevant to the Obama phenomenon, it is a diversionary tactic to tap into the bottomless wellspring of Liberal White Guilt. It shields their eyes from the sight of what the worst amongst them desire: the destruction of America by any means necessary. Obama will be the door that lets in that storm. He will stand at the presidential podium and voice empty reassurances and bromides while they tear us to shreds.

Christine said...

Like I said in my early post, Obama hold's two of the best cards in the deck. Race and islamophobia.

Regardless of the matter in which either subject is brought up, even if innocent, the cards are pulled.

Although King initially included Obama's middle name, at another interview, he included Obama's policies of appeasement as an additional reason.

The fact is, neither his racist church, his and it's ties to Islam or Obama's ties to terrorists, are allowed topics of discussion.

His "cards" are his out. So long as the media and others, on both sides of the political arena, allow him to get away with this, he will not be required to answer the tough and important questions.

Yes, we have delved into a strange new world here. And how we, who know the truth deal with it, will tell how it will end.