Monday, March 10, 2008

Sea Change for American Sovereignty, and Foreign Policy

Looking across the panoply of US govt actions since just prior to the NIE it should be obvious that something has changed.

Not only have the 'realists' taken charge, but also we seem to be 'accommodating' in a very quiet way to those states blessed with natural resources, and thus large dollar reserves.

In short, with the SINGLE exception of Iraq, which has the blessing to some degree of those same entities for the purpose of buffering Iran, the USA has been in cataclysmic retreat with reference to those principles outlined by Bush in 2001.

Now, it seems as if all modern presidents are afflicted by the peace in the middle east disease within 14-15 months of their expiration of their terms. If it was just this then Bush's sudden turn thru Ms. Rice towards more mandatory Israeli sacrifices could be excused.But in fact, this turn is iconic in what is going on, and signifies in the extreme.

Recently Congress (oversight committee?) was warned in closed session by national security officials for the first time ever, that dollar reserves held overseas were large enough so that our national sovereign decision making could be affected (x-lation.. other nations, for the first time had enough dollars, and therefore enough clout to tank our economy).

Thus, no words now of human rights in KSA, Kuwait, Yemen, Egypt.
No word of real elections and real democratic movement in these places.
The NIE's absurd assertions, and conclusions are not hotly disputed by the Admin.
Total loss of motion, and pushing by the USA of sanctions by the IAEA/UN on Iran (think UN opposition, and OIC, OPEC opposition of sanctions growing so much on Iraq prior to 2003)
Sudden, commentless acquiescence to the demands of these types of nations in the M.E.
Insistence (Annapolis) that Israel behave in self-humiliating manner, and be prepared to continue talking to the group which in 1973 was beyond doubt totally responsible for the murder of our diplomats in the Sudan, and which remains POWERLESS to halt its citizens from murdering Israelis inside pre 1967 Israel, assuming they even wanted to try. Trying, of course, remains the best way to be branded zionist collaborators, and so they don't.

Only the surge in Iraq provides exception to this parade of accommodation, or is it forced appeasement?

Now, we also have Durban II and the USA's attendance, when even Canada won't show up.
Durban I, of course, occurred just before 9/11 and was a nazi fest of anti semitism which all alone could be used to prove Mr. Kuntzel's main thesis.

In this I find more evidence that on this singular issue where I disagree from Mr. Bolton, he is wrong. The UN can never again be any kind of institution which can advance the interest of the USA. In fact, in its UTTER FAILURE to even condemn the attack on the Yeshiva last week, let alone CALL the attack terrorism, the UN has again proven the kind of institution it is. Our sole claim to real influence remaining there, our money, will be weakened by those same nations who threaten our ability to make decisions, and a cash infused and vastly more active Russia and China.

The problem will not be rectified by staying away from Durban, in fact we ought let bright, bright sunshine illuminate every racist word uttered, printed (via media), and publicized proudly there. The problem of the UN will only be BEGUN to be rectified, by simply withdrawing our ambassador to the UN, even quietly, and to ask them to begin making plans to LEAVE THE USA (again, we can do this if not unobtrusively, at least without bellicosity).

We apparently are in a very tough spot with American decision making and these foreign wealth funds.

The path of nations are cyclical and we have seen many of them ourselves (consider US influence during the time of atomic weapons monopoly after WW2 lasting until the late 1950's in terms of deliverable weapons advantage, and apparent Soviet and other enemy successes in the 1970's during Carter). However, at no time has our ability to make decisions based on the safety of the American people been imperiled by American money reserves held overseas, and used as a threat to devastate the American economy.

If this is the case, let's take our bitter bitter medicine and admit to the objective reality NOW not later.
If the American consumer is whacked, the entire world economy will tank.
George, you'd better call that hand.
That, or your failure to do so may be the legacy history records, not 9/11, and not Iraq. Like Phillip II of Spain, history may well view you as the harbinger of American economic devastation, and world economic chaos thru lack of resolve to act in our defense.

Don't kick this can down the road, the way Clinton did with terrorism. I though more of you.


Pastorius said...

Do you have any ideas on what Bush could do about it?

I do, but I'm not saying.


Anyway, did you notice that the UAE Investment group that bailed out Citibank has now said they don't know if they have enough money to truly save the company.

In other words, ok, now get down on your knees.

Epaminondas said...

Threaten to print money.
Threaten to make OCEANS full of dollars.

And you are right. Get down on your knees. It's time to call the bluff of the arrogant, who invent nothing, build little, engineer few things, translate virtually no books, limit thought, growth and expression and institutionalize, excuse and justify mutilating the female among their children.

This is too humiliating. Time to riot, make sickening placards, put knives in the hands of our kids to show our displeasure, and behave as if the world owes us respect and subservience because our god is god...or so we believe.